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Kathy苏苏 · 2020年05月21日

问一道题:NO.PZ2016040301000034 [ CFA II ]


ABC Investment Management acquires a new, very large account with two concentrated positions. The firm’s current policy is to add new accounts for the purpose of performance calculation after the first full month of management. Cupp is responsible for calculating the firm’s performance returns. Before the end of the initial month, Cupp notices that one of the significant holdings of the new accounts is acquired by another company, causing the value of the investment to double. Because of this holding, Cupp decides to account for the new portfolio as of the date of transfer, thereby allowing ABC Investment to reap the positive impact of that month’s portfolio return.



Cupp did not violate the Code and Standards because the GIPS standards allow composites to be updated on the date of large external cash flows.


Cupp did not violate the Code and Standards because companies are allowed to determine when to incorporate new accounts into their composite calculation.


Cupp violated the Code and Standards because the inclusion of the new account produces an inaccurate calculation of the monthly results according to the firm’s stated policies.


C is correct.

Answer Cupp violated Standard III(D) –Performance Presentations when he deviated from the firm’s stated policies solely to capture the gain from the holding being acquired. Answer A is incorrect because the firm does not claim GIPS compliance and the GIPS standards require external cash flows to be treated in a consistent manner with the firm’s documented policies. Answer B is incorrect because the firm does not state that it is updating its composite policies. If such a change were to occur, all cash flows for the month would have to be reviewed to ensure their consistent treatment under the new policy.

Kathy苏苏 · 2020年05月21日


1 个答案

王暄_品职助教 · 2020年05月23日


题目中说,在账户满一个月前,这个股票被一家公司买入,Cupp于是在这笔交易发生的这一天,将这个新建账户纳入了业绩计算(此时还没有满一个月);对应的原文句子是“Cupp decides to account for the new portfolio as of the date of transfer”。
