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Nancy 王悦 · 2020年05月08日

问一道题:NO.PZ2018062003000211 [ CFA I ]


Assume that the base currency has a forward premium, which of the following statements is least correct?



The forward points will be positive.


The forward percentage will be negative.


Compared with the price currency, the base currency is expected to appreciate.


B is correct.

If the base currency trading at a forward premium, then the forward rate will be higher than the spot rate, the points are positive and the base currency will be appreciate.

考点:Forward Premium and Discount

解析:如果基础货币以远期溢价交易,那么远期汇率将高于即期汇率, forward points 和forward percentage都为正,基础货币将升值。所以只有B选项入选。


1 个答案

丹丹_品职答疑助手 · 2020年05月08日


同学你好,远期溢价的意思是比如:用¥/$标价中,美元是base currency。当期 1¥/$,远期 2¥/$,那么到了未来1美元=2人民币,美元升值。


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NO.PZ2018062003000211 问题如下 Assume ththe base curren hforwarpremium, whiof the following statements is least correct? A.The forwarpoints will positive. B.The forwarpercentage will negative. C.Comparewith the pricurrency, the base currenis expecteto appreciate. B is correct.If the base currentrang a forwarpremium, then the forwarrate will higher ththe spot rate, the points are positive anthe base currenwill appreciate.考点ForwarPremium anscount解析如果基础货币以远期溢价交易,那么远期汇率将高于即期汇率, forwarpoints 和forwarpercentage都为正,基础货币将升值。所以只有B入选。 把这问题下相关的解答都看了一遍, 还是没有明白为什么选Bbase curren有 forwarpremium , base curren是分母,逻辑串不起来了

2023-11-10 22:43 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018062003000211问题如下Assume ththe base curren hforwarpremium, whiof the following statements is least correct?A.The forwarpoints will positive.B.The forwarpercentage will negative.C.Comparewith the pricurrency, the base currenis expecteto appreciate.B is correct.If the base currentrang a forwarpremium, then the forwarrate will higher ththe spot rate, the points are positive anthe base currenwill appreciate.考点ForwarPremium anscount解析如果基础货币以远期溢价交易,那么远期汇率将高于即期汇率, forwarpoints 和forwarpercentage都为正,基础货币将升值。所以只有B入选。如题,没有学到这部分内容但在课后题中出现了

2023-03-21 19:18 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018062003000211问题如下 Assume ththe base curren hforwarpremium, whiof the following statements is least correct?A.The forwarpoints will positive.B.The forwarpercentage will negative.C.Comparewith the pricurrency, the base currenis expecteto appreciate.B is correct.If the base currentrang a forwarpremium, then the forwarrate will higher ththe spot rate, the points are positive anthe base currenwill appreciate.考点ForwarPremium anscount解析如果基础货币以远期溢价交易,那么远期汇率将高于即期汇率, forwarpoints 和forwarpercentage都为正,基础货币将升值。所以只有B入选。base currency不是在分母上吗?远期溢价不就降低整个值吗?

2022-07-27 22:30 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018062003000211 The forwarpercentage will negative. Comparewith the pricurrency, the base currenis expecteto appreciate. B is correct. If the base currentrang a forwarpremium, then the forwarrate will higher ththe spot rate, the points are positive anthe base currenwill appreciate. 考点ForwarPremium anscount 解析如果基础货币以远期溢价交易,那么远期汇率将高于即期汇率, forwarpoints 和forwarpercentage都为正,基础货币将升值。所以只有B入选。 相比较于pricurrency,base curren更适合。这句话我翻译的有错吗?

2022-01-01 20:25 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018062003000211 什么是基础货币

2021-09-02 14:57 1 · 回答