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Mangogo · 2020年04月20日



Lily is an expert in analyzing manufactoring industry. She finds that Firm C has a history of continous losses and a large amount of inventories whose book value is much higher than market value. As Firm C also has a very large deferred tax asset, Lily says, " I will do nothing to reduce the deferred tax asset. As the difference between taxable and pretax income is temporary, the deferred tax asset will be smaller in the future." Is her statement correct?



Incorrect. She should record a deferred tax liability to offset the temporary difference.


Incorrect. She should recognize a valuation allowance.




B is correct.

It is difficult for Firm C to generate profit from inventory. Based on its history, Firm C probabily suffer the losses in the future. Thus, its deferred tax assets is unlikely to be realized and should be offset by a valuation allowance.

老师好,所以说如果预计未来能持续盈利或未来持续亏损,都可能造成无法抵扣现有valuation allowace,就都需要降低valuation allowance是吗?

1 个答案

纠纠_品职答疑助手 · 2020年04月21日


Valuation allowance只是针对DTA的,DAT是一种资产的形式,就是以后我们盈利了,算所得税的时候可以扣除一块。

如果未来持续亏损,以后也不会产生税收,没有可以用来抵税的利润,所以税务局给我们的好处就没有那么大,需要计提valuation allowance

如果持续盈利那么DTA可能很快就能消耗掉,那么久不需要产生valuation allowance的。


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NO.PZ2016012102000142问题如下Lily is expert in analyzing manufactoring instry. She fin thFirm C ha history of continous losses ana large amount of inventories whose book value is muhigher thmarket value. Firm C also ha very large ferretasset, Lily says, \" I will nothing to rethe ferretasset. the fferenbetween taxable anpretincome is temporary, the ferretasset will smaller in the future.\" Is her statement correct?A.Incorrect. She shoulrecora ferretliability to offset the temporary fference.B.Incorrect. She shoulrecognize a valuation allowance.C.Correct. B is correct.It is fficult for Firm C to generate profit from inventory. Baseon its history, Firm C probabily suffer the losses in the future. Thus, its ferretassets is unlikely to realizeanshouloffset a valuation allowance.考点当A长期无法转会时的处理 C公司有持续亏损的历史和大量账面价值远高于市场价值的存货。推断出C公司很难从存货中产生利润。基于其历史,C公司很可能在未来继续亏损。因此,C公司B/S上用于后续抵税的递延所得税资产(A)不太可能使用,因此需要计提valuation allowance,递减部分A,可以理解为A减值了。 为什么要计提valuation allowan去降低A呢?

2023-09-22 21:58 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016012102000142 老师,这道题可以从(AB-TB)*T这个角度或者是存货减值需要减值,也就是I/S的角度来考虑吗?看到这些关键词难免会联想到其他知识点,然后就懵逼了。。。

2021-07-19 23:35 1 · 回答

Incorrect. She shoulrecognize a valuation allowance. Correct. B is correct. It is fficult for Firm C to generate profit from inventory. Baseon its history, Firm C probabily suffer the losses in the future. Thus, its ferretassets is unlikely to realizeanshouloffset a valuation allowance. 按照题目说 长期亏损不是会行成一个L吗 为什么选择 ,A的抵减项

2020-02-25 13:37 1 · 回答


2020-02-20 20:42 2 · 回答