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天天_mama · 2020年03月16日

问一道题:NO.PZ201704060100000305 第5小题 [ CFA III ]

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1 个答案

Olive_品职助教 · 2020年03月16日


题目条件说了she need known income,所以要fixed。


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NO.PZ201704060100000305 Baseon Brown’s goals anconcerns, whitype of annuity shoulSmith recommenfor her? ferrefixeImmeate fixeImmeate variable B is correct. With immeate fixeannuities, Brown will tra a sum of money toy for a promiseincome benefit for long she is alive. Brown is alrea age 75 anis concerneabout longevity risk; she wants a known income strecurrently anin the future. Therefore, immeate fixeannuity is the most appropriate choice. Both spouses want annuity for their later years (beginning in 40 years) thwill ensure the greatest supplement这说的不是40年以后才要吗????为什么选immeate???

2021-05-19 14:28 2 · 回答

Baseon Brown’s goals anconcerns, whitype of annuity shoulSmith recommenfor her? ferrefixeImmeate fixeImmeate variable B is correct. With immeate fixeannuities, Brown will tra a sum of money toy for a promiseincome benefit for long she is alive. Brown is alrea age 75 anis concerneabout longevity risk; she wants a known income strecurrently anin the future. Therefore, immeate fixeannuity is the most appropriate choice. 请问为什么不选Aferefixe?

2021-01-05 21:16 1 · 回答

Acts a tax-shelteresavings instrument Replaces lost earning power for pennts A is correct. Life insuranbest meets Perrin’s immeate neefor estate liquity. A life insuranpolicprovi liquity without the linvolvein the legprocess of settling the estate. Tis liquity cparticularly valuable if the estate contains illiquiassets or assets thare fficult to separate anstribute equitably among heirs. Currently, it woulfficult to separate anequitably stribute Perrin’s financiassets to his three chilen suththe olst son inherits the vineyaranwinery while keeping the other two chilen uninvolvebecause the business is worth more thone-thirof Perrin’s investment assets. The problem of separating anequitably stributing the estate exists presently regaress of the value of Perrin’s personproperty.有问必答和题目不服,好几题都这样。请更正

2020-06-10 03:41 1 · 回答