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王思祺 · 2020年03月16日



Tim, an trader of an investment company trade on margin at a price of $60 per share, he purchased 300 shares of a non-dividend-paying stocks. The leverage ratio is 3. After three monthes the market price of share is $65, Tim then sells these shares. We assume that there are no transaction costs and no interests paid on the borrowed amount. Which of the following statements is correct?



The return to Tim during the three-month period was 20%.


The return to Tim during the three-month period was 8.33%.


The return to Tim during the three-month period was 25%.


C is correct.

The equity contributed by Tim (the minimum margin requirement) is \(\frac{100\%}3=33.33\%\)

Tim contributed 33.33% of $60 per share is $20.

The return is $5$20=25%\frac{\$5}{\$20}=25\%, because the gain is 5 ($65-$60) per share

您好:1.这里面trade on margin 怎么翻译 怎么理解,是公司交保证金60,还是市场价market price 60;2.可否这样算:65到60,return是上涨了8.3%,在乘以leveraged ratio 3 ,得出25%。谢谢。

1 个答案

maggie_品职助教 · 2020年03月16日


1、trade on margin就是说T同学买股票做的是保证金交易,当前股票价格是60元每股。




sarahjia · 2020年03月16日


maggie_品职助教 · 2020年03月16日


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NO.PZ2018062002000020 问题如下 Tim, trar of investment company tra on margin a priof $60 per share, he purchase300 shares of a non-vinpaying stocks. The leverage ratio is 3. After three monthes the market priof share is $65, Tim then sells these shares. We assume ththere are no transaction costs anno interests paion the borroweamount. Whiof the following statements is correct? A.The return to Tim ring the three-month periow20%. B.The return to Tim ring the three-month periow8.33%. C.The return to Tim ring the three-month periow25%. C is correct.The equity contributeTim (the minimum margin requirement) is \(\frac{100\%}3=33.33\%\)Tim contribute33.33% of $60 per share is $20.The return is \(\frac{\$5}{\$20}=25\%\), because the gain is 5 ($65-$60) per share考点LeveragePosition交易员借前买了300股,买的时候价格60每股,杠杆比率3。三个月后卖出时每股65元,让你计算3个月的收益。杠杆比率等于A/E, 也就是购买一股股票需要花的钱除以每一股你自己出的钱=3。题目已知每股60元,那么A=60,因此每一只股票你自己只出了60/3=20。3个月股票以65元卖出,所以每一股收益等于65-60=5, 因此这笔交易你所获得的收益率(收益率就等于你赚的钱除以你自己投的钱)就等于5/20=25%。此外,有四个小点需要注意1、只要题目出现(on margin or tra on margin or buy on margin)就是指保证金交易即借前买股票。2、注意IM和MM的公式都是E/A,只不过是不同时点上的E和A。这道题里我们用杠杆反求出来的是初始保证金。3、在一级权益里杠杆比率就是A/E , 可能其他学科还有自己的定义比如(E等),每个学科的知识点请按照每个学科具体规定来。4、计算三个月的收益率不需要年化。一级权益这里一般不涉及年化问题。 请问我为什么不能用1/3相当于E/A margin的占比,然后再用600股乘以每股的价钱再乘以自己出钱的占比,这样一套算下来为什么答案还是错的

2023-03-02 06:14 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018062002000020问题如下Tim, trar of investment company tra on margin a priof $60 per share, he purchase300 shares of a non-vinpaying stocks. The leverage ratio is 3. After three monthes the market priof share is $65, Tim then sells these shares. We assume ththere are no transaction costs anno interests paion the borroweamount. Whiof the following statements is correct? A.The return to Tim ring the three-month periow20%. B.The return to Tim ring the three-month periow8.33%. C.The return to Tim ring the three-month periow25%. C is correct.The equity contributeTim (the minimum margin requirement) is \(\frac{100\%}3=33.33\%\)Tim contribute33.33% of $60 per share is $20.The return is \(\frac{\$5}{\$20}=25\%\), because the gain is 5 ($65-$60) per share考点LeveragePosition交易员借前买了300股,买的时候价格60每股,杠杆比率3。三个月后卖出时每股65元,让你计算3个月的收益。杠杆比率等于A/E, 也就是购买一股股票需要花的钱除以每一股你自己出的钱=3。题目已知每股60元,那么A=60,因此每一只股票你自己只出了60/3=20。3个月股票以65元卖出,所以每一股收益等于65-60=5, 因此这笔交易你所获得的收益率(收益率就等于你赚的钱除以你自己投的钱)就等于5/20=25%。此外,有四个小点需要注意1、只要题目出现(on margin or tra on margin or buy on margin)就是指保证金交易即借前买股票。2、注意IM和MM的公式都是E/A,只不过是不同时点上的E和A。这道题里我们用杠杆反求出来的是初始保证金。3、在一级权益里杠杆比率就是A/E , 可能其他学科还有自己的定义比如(E等),每个学科的知识点请按照每个学科具体规定来。4、计算三个月的收益率不需要年化。一级权益这里一般不涉及年化问题。 你好,这道题在计算收益率的时候,分子为什么只计算买卖股票的差价,对investor来说,收益率不应该是(买卖差价-还债)/一开始的投入,即(1500-12000)/6000吗?

2022-03-25 17:54 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018062002000020 如图,第一,MM不是指维持保证金额么,但是后面的公式是指比例?第二,后面公式里P0*IM是指初始总金额(股票单价*所持股数),但是PL-P0指的是变动的股票单价,不用乘以股数么? 感觉这两处的计算单位都怪怪的。

2021-09-08 16:34 3 · 回答

本题可以直接考虑当前收益率然后将leverage return当作放大倍数相乘

2018-12-07 21:09 1 · 回答