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HG · 2020年03月11日



Which of the following statements is incorrect?

Statement 1: A dividend discount model is applicable to stable, mature, dividend paying companies.

Statement 2: The free cash flow valuation model is an appropriate measure if a company is viewed as an acquisition target.

Statement 3: The dividend discount model may be more related to long-run profitability of the firm as compared to the free cash flow model.



Statement 1.


Statement 2.


Statement 3.


C is correct.

考点:Appropriateness & Summary of Valuation Methods



1 个答案

袁园_品职助教 · 2020年03月12日


Statement 3 说的点不是在于 going-concern,而是说 DDM 比 FCFM 更能反映公司的长期盈利能力。

这种说法是不对的,因为 dividend 是由股东会决定的,公司可以在盈利很好的时候分很少的 dividend(例如把钱用来投资新项目),也可以在公司盈利并不好的时候分较多的 dividend(例如动用之前的结余,为了保持 div pay out ratio 相对平稳),是由说 dividend 并不能绝对真实的反应公司的盈利水平。可以参考原版书的这段话:

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  • 0

  • 566


NO.PZ2018103102000072问题如下 Whiof the following statements is incorrect? Statement 1: A vinscount mol is applicable to stable, mature, vinpaying companies. Statement 2: The free cash flow valuation mol is appropriate measure if a company is vieweacquisition target. Statement 3: The vinscount mol mmore relateto long-run profitability of the firm compareto the free cash flow mol. Statement 1. Statement 2. Statement 3. C is correct.考点Appropriateness Summary of Valuation Metho解析C说反了,相对于分红而言,自由现金流与公司长期盈利能力更为相关。B是正确的,因为对于并购后取得实际控制的投资者来说,自由现金流模型比红利模型更加适合。 老师,请问B的acquisition target指的不是收购标的吗?不是指被收购公司吗

2023-09-22 19:57 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2018103102000072问题如下 Whiof the following statements is incorrect? Statement 1: A vinscount mol is applicable to stable, mature, vinpaying companies. Statement 2: The free cash flow valuation mol is appropriate measure if a company is vieweacquisition target. Statement 3: The vinscount mol mmore relateto long-run profitability of the firm compareto the free cash flow mol. Statement 1. Statement 2. Statement 3. C is correct.考点Appropriateness Summary of Valuation Metho解析C说反了,相对于分红而言,自由现金流与公司长期盈利能力更为相关。B是正确的,因为对于并购后取得实际控制的投资者来说,自由现金流模型比红利模型更加适合。 解析说的长期盈利是指g吗?意思是说因为m没有考虑g的因素,而ggm和fcf的估值有关于g的假设,所以更能反映长期利润水平吗?

2023-04-24 02:46 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018103102000072 问题如下 Whiof the following statements is incorrect? Statement 1: A vinscount mol is applicable to stable, mature, vinpaying companies. Statement 2: The free cash flow valuation mol is appropriate measure if a company is vieweacquisition target. Statement 3: The vinscount mol mmore relateto long-run profitability of the firm compareto the free cash flow mol. Statement 1. Statement 2. Statement 3. C is correct.考点Appropriateness Summary of Valuation Metho解析C说反了,相对于分红而言,自由现金流与公司长期盈利能力更为相关。B是正确的,因为对于并购后取得实际控制的投资者来说,自由现金流模型比红利模型更加适合。 老师请问下statement2是不是问的是与红利折现模式相比,自由现金流模式更适合作为收购时候使用?

2023-04-05 14:57 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2018103102000072问题如下 Whiof the following statements is incorrect? Statement 1: A vinscount mol is applicable to stable, mature, vinpaying companies. Statement 2: The free cash flow valuation mol is appropriate measure if a company is vieweacquisition target. Statement 3: The vinscount mol mmore relateto long-run profitability of the firm compareto the free cash flow mol. Statement 1. Statement 2. Statement 3. C is correct.考点Appropriateness Summary of Valuation Metho解析C说反了,相对于分红而言,自由现金流与公司长期盈利能力更为相关。B是正确的,因为对于并购后取得实际控制的投资者来说,自由现金流模型比红利模型更加适合。 3陈述,如果公司是长期profit的公司,并且进行分红,用发的vin行求算,不是更好么

2022-07-23 23:28 1 · 回答