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晏晏 · 2020年03月08日

问一道题:NO.PZ2018103102000151 [ CFA II ]


Zhang remembers learning about the weighted harmonic mean. She decides to calculate the weighted harmonic mean for the index and makes the following statement to support her decision: 

“The harmonic mean can be used to mitigate the effects of both large and small outliers.”

Zhang’s statement to support using the harmonic mean is best described as: 



incorrect with respect to large outliers 


incorrect with respect to small outliners  




Zhang’s statement is incorrect with respect to small outliers. The harmonic mean tends to mitigate the impact of large outliers. It may aggravate the impact of small outliers, but such outliers are bounded by zero on the downside.

A is incorrect. The harmonic mean may aggravate the impact of small outliers, but such outliers are bounded by zero on the downside.

C is incorrect. The harmonic mean may aggravate the impact of small outliers, but such outliers are bounded by zero on the downside. 

2 个答案

袁园_品职助教 · 2020年03月09日


这道题主要是在考 调和平均数 的定义和性质。

调和平均数就是取倒数再加和取平均,而不是直接相加取平均。例如我有一组数字,1、2、3、4、500,直接求平均数并不能反映这组数的性质,因为有500这个 large outlier,但是如果我对他们先取倒数,那么500变成1/500,对计算结果的影响就很小了,即 harmonic mean tends to mitigate the impact of large outliers

同理,如果一组数里面有一个很小很接近零的数,例如0.01,他取倒数之后就变成了100,反而会对计算带来很大的影响,即 harmonic mean may aggravate the impact of small outliers


Jody · 2020年03月19日

请问一下老师,bounded by zero on the downside是什么意思?

袁园_品职助教 · 2020年03月20日


bounded by zero 就是说一个很小很接近零的数取倒数之后就会反弹变得很大,例如0.01取倒数后反弹为100

on the downside 就是说这是 harmonic mean 的一个缺点

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NO.PZ2018103102000151 问题如下 Zhang remembers learning about the weighteharmonic mean. She cis to calculate the weighteharmonic mefor the inx anmakes the following statement to support her cision: “The harmonic mecuseto mitigate the effects of both large ansmall outliers.”Zhang’s statement to support using the harmonic meis best scribeas: A.incorrewith respeto large outliers B.incorrewith respeto small outliners C.corre Zhang’s statement is incorrewith respeto small outliers. The harmonic meten to mitigate the impaof large outliers. It maggravate the impaof small outliers, but suoutliers are bounzero on the wnsi.A is incorrect. The harmonic memaggravate the impaof small outliers, but suoutliers are bounzero on the wnsi.C is incorrect. The harmonic memaggravate the impaof small outliers, but suoutliers are bounzero on the wnsi. 首先,调和平均数能够去除非常大的异常值,这个我明白。PPT 里面这句话我一直没太明白The harmonic memaggravate the impaof small outliers, but suoutliers are bounzero on the wnsi.我的理解是这样的比如说0.01-2-3-4-500这五个数据,第一次取倒数的时候,500的超大异常值被抹去了。但是0.01被放大了,求和之后再次求倒数,意味着0.01被放大的值再一次被倒数效应所抹去。这样来说,是不是属于调和平均数的优势啊?老师讲课的时候说,中位数既可以去除最大的异常值,也可以去除最小的异常值,这个我明白。但是调和平均数只能去除最大的异常值,去除不了最小的异常值呢?这个为啥

2023-08-13 16:52 1 · 回答