When the real exchange rate( assuming domestic currency is price currency and foreign currency is base currency) increased, which of the followings is most likely to be associated with an decrease?
A. Nominal exchange rate.
B. Domestic price level.
C. Foreign price level.
B is correct.
The formula of real exchange rate is :
Real exchange rate
An decrease in the domestic price level increases the real exchange rate because it implies an decrease in the purchasing power of the domestic currency compared to foreign currency.
考点: exchange rate
解析: Real exchange rate
根据上述公式,较高的Nominal exchange rate,较高的Foreign price level,以及较低的Domestic price level会产生较高的Real exchange rate
想问下BC选项 假设A/B, A是price currency(rmb),B是base currency($)。如果汇率A/B升高,美元升值,人民币贬值。那不就相当于美元购买里上升,foreign price level降低;相反本国price level上升。 想问下老师我这样判断的思路对不对,price level能不能直接用货币升值贬值来判断