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一只可爱的猪 · 2020年03月05日



Which of the following statements clearly conflicts with the recommended procedures for compliance presented in the CFA Institute Standards of Practice Handbook?



Firms should disclose to clients the personal investing policies and procedures established for their employees.


Prior approval must be obtained for the personal investment transactions of all employees.


For confidentiality reasons, personal transactions and holdings should not be reported to employers unless mandated by regulatory organizations.


C is correct.

This question asks about compliance procedures relating to personal investments of members and candidates. The statement in answer C clearly conflicts with the recommended procedures in the Standards of Practice Handbook. Employers should compare personal transactions of employees with those of clients on a regular basis regardless of the existence of a requirement by any regulatory organization. Such comparisons ensure that employees’ personal trades do not conflict with their duty to their clients, and the comparisons can be conducted in a confidential manner. The statement in answer A does not conflict with the procedures in the Handbook. Disclosure of such policies will give full information to clients regarding potential conflicts of interest on the part of those entrusted to manage their money. Answer B is incorrect because firms are encouraged to establish policies whereby employees clear their personal holdings and transactions with their employers.



1 个答案

发亮_品职助教 · 2020年03月06日




A选项说,公布Personal investing policies and procedures,也就是向客户公布一下,公司员工投资的准则与流程,这个完全没问题,就是标准的披露。


有Pontential Conflicts的必须需要披露。


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NO.PZ2016032801000004问题如下Whiof the following statements clearly conflicts with the recommenproceres for complianpresentein the CFA Institute Stanr of PractiHanook?A.Firms shoulsclose to clients the personinvesting policies anproceres establishefor their employees.B.Prior approvmust obtainefor the personinvestment transactions of all employees.C.For confintiality reasons, persontransactions anholngs shoulnot reporteto employers unless manteregulatory organizations.C is correct.This question asks about complianproceres relating to personinvestments of members ancantes. The statement in answer C clearly conflicts with the recommenproceres in the Stanr of PractiHanook. Employers shoulcompare persontransactions of employees with those of clients on a regulbasis regaress of the existenof a requirement any regulatory organization. Sucomparisons ensure themployees’ persontras not confliwith their ty to their clients, anthe comparisons cconctein a confintimanner. The statement in answer A es not confliwith the proceres in the Hanook. sclosure of supolicies will give full information to clients regarng potenticonflicts of interest on the part of those entrusteto manage their money. Answer B is incorrebecause firms are encourageto establish policies whereemployees cletheir personholngs antransactions with their employers. 金融人员炒股不是会定期向公司披露吗?还需要事先审批吗?审批的意思是同意炒股这种行为,还是买某只具体股票时候要审批?还是买某只有利益冲突的股票需要审批?

2024-06-12 11:40 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016032801000004问题如下 Whiof the following statements clearly conflicts with the recommenproceres for complianpresentein the CFA Institute Stanr of PractiHanook?A.Firms shoulsclose to clients the personinvesting policies anproceres establishefor their employees.B.Prior approvmust obtainefor the personinvestment transactions of all employees.C.For confintiality reasons, persontransactions anholngs shoulnot reporteto employers unless manteregulatory organizations.C is correct.This question asks about complianproceres relating to personinvestments of members ancantes. The statement in answer C clearly conflicts with the recommenproceres in the Stanr of PractiHanook. Employers shoulcompare persontransactions of employees with those of clients on a regulbasis regaress of the existenof a requirement any regulatory organization. Sucomparisons ensure themployees’ persontras not confliwith their ty to their clients, anthe comparisons cconctein a confintimanner. The statement in answer A es not confliwith the proceres in the Hanook. sclosure of supolicies will give full information to clients regarng potenticonflicts of interest on the part of those entrusteto manage their money. Answer B is incorrebecause firms are encourageto establish policies whereemployees cletheir personholngs antransactions with their employers. 记一下翻译,不需要回答,谢谢

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