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我叫仙人涨 · 2020年02月27日


* 问题详情,请 查看题干


5. If Frazee added the assumption he is considering in Fund W’s portfolio construction, it would most likely result in:



a decrease in the optimal aggressiveness of the active strategy.


the information ratio becoming invariant to the level of active risk.


an increase in the transfer of active return forecasts into active weights.


A is correct.

The new assumption adds constraints to Fund W. The IR for a constrained portfolio generally decreases with the aggressiveness of the strategy because portfolio constraints reduce the transfer of active return forecasts into active weights. Furthermore, the optimal active risk is given by the following formula:


The addition of portfolio constraints reduces the TC, thus also reducing the optimal active risk. So, having maximum over- and underweight constraints on single-country positions decreases the optimal aggressiveness of the active management strategy

考点:The full fundamental law


A, optimal amount of active risk 的公式变为:sigmaA=TCIRSRBσBsigma_A=TC\frac{IR^\ast}{SR_B}\sigma_B,也就是增加了TC项,增加限制条件导致TC<1,因此optimal amount of active risk减小,A正确。


C,错误,增加限制条件使得基金经理实现自己想法的难度增加,因此将预期的active return转为实际投资组合构建的程度下降,因此TC会减小。

老师,那个optimal risk公式右边也有个IR

如果更aggressive, TC减小, IR也减小,为啥就说等式左边的sigma就变小呢?

而且更aggressive, sigma不是变大么,风险和波动更大么不是?

2 个答案

我叫仙人涨 · 2020年02月27日

哦,所以这里的sigma并不是那个在基金经理在更激进时候的fund 的sigma是么?

而是一种optimal amount of actvie risk , 我之前就没懂这个optimal,也没看懂之前助教的答疑。 这里再问下,optimal就是一种最优的情况是么?并不是这个组合实际的sigma ?


丹丹_品职答疑助手 · 2020年02月28日

同学你好,题干给的投资经理策略是 agresive,但因为限制条件使得激进的投资策略更不容易成功。请知悉

我叫仙人涨 · 2020年02月29日

老师看下我的问题呀?! 对,我知道您说的。 但是何老师讲过更激进,基金的标准差更大。 我想和您核实一下,更激进,基金的标准差大,但是optimal 标准差变小对么?

丹丹_品职答疑助手 · 2020年02月27日


TC:Transfer coefficient 衡量的是基金经理的投资策略实施的情况

IR:information ratio ,IR=TC*IC*squared(BR),,IC与IR成正比

sigmaA=TC*IR/SRB*σB,sigmaA与TC成正相关。sigma指的是optimal amount of actvie risk 。

因为Fund W里面多加了一个限制条件,导致投资经理的agressive投资策略更不好实现,less aggressive.TC会下降,从而造成TR和sigmaA的下降。


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NO.PZ201710100100000405 问题如下 5. If Frazee aethe assumption he is consiring in FunW’s portfolio construction, it woulmost likely result in: A.a crease in the optimaggressiveness of the active strategy. B.the information ratio becoming invariant to the level of active risk. C.increase in the transfer of active return forecasts into active weights. A is correct.The new assumption as constraints to FunW. The IR for a constraineportfolio generally creases with the aggressiveness of the strategy because portfolio constraints rethe transfer of active return forecasts into active weights. Furthermore, the optimactive risk is given the following formula:sigmaA=TCIRSRBσBsigma_A=TC\frac{IR}{SR_B}\sigma_BsigmaA​=TCSRB​IR​σB​The aition of portfolio constraints reces the Tthus also recing the optimactive risk. So, having maximum over- anunrweight constraints on single-country positions creases the optimaggressiveness of the active management strategy考点The full funmentlaw解析由于constraints的引入, optimamount of active risk 的公式变为sigmaA=TCIR∗SRBσBsigma_A=TC\frac{IR^\ast}{SR_B}\sigma_BsigmaA​=TCSRB​IR∗​σB​,也就是增加了TC项,增加限制条件导致TC 1,因此optimamount of active risk减小,A正确。B,错误。没有constraints时,IR不受aggressiveness的影响;但是增加限制条件使得基金经理实现自己想法的难度增加,因此IR会减小。C,错误,增加限制条件使得基金经理实现自己想法的难度增加,因此将预期的active return转为实际投资组合构建的程度下降,因此TC会减小。 老师,那是不是在有限制的情况下,information ratio 还是符合IR=active return/active risk,所以其实还是相关的?而且那个时候active risk是减小的,所以IR变大?唉?那不就不对了吗?IR不是在TF小于1,那IR不是变小吗?矛盾了。

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