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Lynn · 2020年02月26日



Assume that the following one-factor model describes the expected return for portfolios:

Also assume that all investors agree on the expected returns and factor sensitivity of the three highly diversified Portfolios A, B, and C given in the following table:

Assuming the one-factor model is correct and based on the data provided for Portfolios A, B, and C, determine if an arbitrage opportunity exists and explain how it might be exploited.



According to the one-factor model for expected returns, the portfolio should have these expected returns if they are correctly priced in terms of their risk:

Portfolio A

E(RA) = 0.10 + 0.12βA,1 = 0.10 + (0.12)(0.80) = 0.10 + 0.10 = 0.20

Portfolio B

E(RB) = 0.10 + 0.12βB,1 = 0.10 + (0.12)(1.00) = 0.10 + 0.12 = 0.22

Portfolio C

E(RC) = 0.10 + 0.12βC,1 = 0.10 + (0.12)(1.20) = 0.10 + 0.14 = 0.24

In the table below, the column for expected return shows that Portfolios A and C are correctly priced but Portfolio B offers too little expected return for its risk, 0.15 or 15%. By shorting Portfolio B (selling an overvalued portfolio) and using the proceeds to buy a portfolio 50% invested in A and 50% invested in C with a sensitivity of 1 that matches the sensitivity of B, for each monetary unit shorted (say each euro), an arbitrage profit of 0.22 -0.15 = 0.07 is earned.

Portfolio B 用one factor model 算 ER = 22%。 现实市场价格反映ER=15%,证明B价格被低估。我的理解应该买入B因为是低估的资产。

1 个答案

丹丹_品职答疑助手 · 2020年02月26日

同学你好,本题考查的是APT的应用,根据题干b的收益率应当为22%,而实际利率是15%,所以b的收益率被低估。资产价格和收益率呈反向变动关系,所以债券的价格应被高估,从而应该卖出B。通过构造公式,按照加和为1的比例配置组合A和C的资产可以形成B[wa*fator sensitivitya+(1-wa)*factor sensitivityc=factor sensitivityb,求出wa=0.5.按比例买入组合A和组合C,卖出组合B,可进行套利。希望可以帮到你。