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kkbis · 2020年02月25日



The following data is collected for four distributions:

Which of these datasets are likely (at the 95% confidence level) to not be drawn from a normal distribution?



The appropriate test statistic is the Jarque-Bera statistic.

JB=(T1)(S^2/6+(κ^3)2/24)JB = (T - 1)(\widehat S^2/6+(\widehat\kappa-3)^2/24)

This will be distributed asχ22\chi_2^2, and for a 5% test size the critical value is 5.99

The following data is collected for four distributions:

So, as the JB figure is greater than 5.99 for datasets B & D, their respective null hypotheses (normally distributed) are rejected.


1 个答案

品职答疑小助手雍 · 2020年02月26日


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NO.PZ2020011101000040 问题如下 The following ta is collectefor four stributions: Whiof these tasets are likely (the 95% confinlevel) to not awn from a normstribution? The appropriate test statistic is the Jarque-Bera statistiJB=(T−1)(S^2/6+(κ^−3)2/24)JB = (T - 1)(\wihS^2/6+(\wihat\kappa-3)^2/24)JB=(T−1)(S2/6+(κ−3)2/24)This will stributeasχ22\chi_2^2χ22​, anfor a 5% test size the criticvalue is 5.99The following ta is collectefor four stributions: So, the JB figure is greater th5.99 for tasets their respective null hypotheses (normally stribute are rejecte 考试会给卡方分布表么?助教老师能发一个么?

2024-06-06 15:55 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2020011101000040 问题如下 The following ta is collectefor four stributions: Whiof these tasets are likely (the 95% confinlevel) to not awn from a normstribution? The appropriate test statistic is the Jarque-Bera statistiJB=(T−1)(S^2/6+(κ^−3)2/24)JB = (T - 1)(\wihS^2/6+(\wihat\kappa-3)^2/24)JB=(T−1)(S2/6+(κ−3)2/24)This will stributeasχ22\chi_2^2χ22​, anfor a 5% test size the criticvalue is 5.99The following ta is collectefor four stributions: So, the JB figure is greater th5.99 for tasets their respective null hypotheses (normally stribute are rejecte 这个卡方检验的自由度为什么是2呢

2022-06-09 10:36 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2020011101000040 卡方分布不是n=2时,95%时5.99么?这里n不是4么?

2022-01-23 02:26 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2020011101000040 5.99是怎么来的?

2021-09-09 01:43 1 · 回答