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awen · 2020年02月25日


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Which of Smith’s recommendations regarding the Barksdales’ investment portfolio is/are correct?



Recommendation 1 only


Recommendation 2 only


Both Recommendation 1 and Recommendation 2


C is correct.

People with higher risk and potential volatility in income (human capital) should take on lower risk in their investment portfolios. Adrian’s income is more than two-thirds of the household total and is somewhat volatile because of cyclical demand for his employer’s product. Additionally, because income is tied to a particular industry or sector, the Barksdales should underweight securities having a high correlation with bauxite demand.

The portfolio should have lower risk than a portfolio for similar investors in the same lifestyle stage.为什么正确?

这里的similar investors难道不是也从事相似职业吗?

in the same lifestyle stage.伴随着生活开支差不多的生活方式


1 个答案

carolllll · 2020年02月26日



这个主要是因为Adrian支撑着大部分家庭的income,如果anthing happens to Adrian,那么这个portfolio 的income就会特别重要,再加上本来Adrian的income就随着周期所变动,所以其实这个portfolio的income对于这个家庭是非常重要的,因此这个portfolio不能太risky。




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NO.PZ201704060100000308问题如下 Whiof Smith’s recommentions regarng the Barksles’ investment portfolio is/are correct? Recommention 1 only Recommention 2 only Both Recommention 1 anRecommention 2 C is correct. People with higher risk anpotentivolatility in income (humcapital) shoultake on lower risk in their investment portfolios. Aian’s income is more thtwo-thir of the householtotanis somewhvolatile because of cyclicmanfor his employer’s proct. Aitionally, because income is tieto a particulinstry or sector, the Barksles shoulunrweight securities having a high correlation with bauxite man 我看了之前同学的提问和助教的答案。助教无非两点1、aian从事周期性行业,2、他是家里顶梁柱。但文中说是similinvestor,说明是一样的,从事行业的波动和回报都是相似的,同样年龄阶段,高风险高收益的工作,可以认为也是家里顶梁柱。况且题目问的是他家的资产咋配置,不是他个人咋配置。如果按助教所说,他比similinvestor的工作更波动,更顶梁柱。那我是否我也可以这么说,一个similinvestor,他老婆比他更能赚钱,他也可以不是家里顶梁柱,所以应该可以更高风险投资FC?请问这里similar到底如何理解?如果认为similar的人也会不一样,那是否也可以认为可能可以更高风险投资FC呢?无论如何也不能说statement1正确吧

2022-04-17 23:30 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201704060100000308 C is correct. People with higher risk anpotentivolatility in income (humcapital) shoultake on lower risk in their investment portfolios. Aian’s income is more thtwo-thir of the householtotanis somewhvolatile because of cyclicmanfor his employer’s proct. Aitionally, because income is tieto a particulinstry or sector, the Barksles shoulunrweight securities having a high correlation with bauxite man 可以帮忙分析一下statement 2为什么对吗?

2021-11-20 08:52 2 · 回答

NO.PZ201704060100000308 C is correct. People with higher risk anpotentivolatility in income (humcapital) shoultake on lower risk in their investment portfolios. Aian’s income is more thtwo-thir of the householtotanis somewhvolatile because of cyclicmanfor his employer’s proct. Aitionally, because income is tieto a particulinstry or sector, the Barksles shoulunrweight securities having a high correlation with bauxite man 1为什么是对的?他的妻子也有稳定的收入,而且孩子只需要再支持几年

2021-09-27 09:55 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201704060100000308 C is correct. People with higher risk anpotentivolatility in income (humcapital) shoultake on lower risk in their investment portfolios. Aian’s income is more thtwo-thir of the householtotanis somewhvolatile because of cyclicmanfor his employer’s proct. Aitionally, because income is tieto a particulinstry or sector, the Barksles shoulunrweight securities having a high correlation with bauxite man The Barksles’ humcapitis value$2.9 million anestimateto 35% equity-like. 只有35% equity like ,并没有超过50%,为什么不能认定为humcapitvolatility 较小呢?我觉得这里题目出的不好,既然A是家庭主要收入来源,A的income volatility 较大,那么family总体Humcapit应该超过50%,请问我这么理解有问题吗?

2021-03-27 22:34 1 · 回答

Recommention 2 only Both Recommention 1 anRecommention 2 C is correct. People with higher risk anpotentivolatility in income (humcapital) shoultake on lower risk in their investment portfolios. Aian’s income is more thtwo-thir of the householtotanis somewhvolatile because of cyclicmanfor his employer’s proct. Aitionally, because income is tieto a particulinstry or sector, the Barksles shoulunrweight securities having a high correlation with bauxite man 这超什么意思?什么知识点?

2020-11-20 21:31 1 · 回答