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rosamondfeng · 2020年02月23日

问一道题:NO.PZ2018123101000107 [ CFA II ]


Cromwell works with another analyst, George Hastings, to discuss credit scoring and credit rating models. Hastings starts the conversation by saying, “Credit scoring models are primarily applied to consumers or small business borrowers. In some cases, only negative information, such as delinquencies or defaults, are used, while other models use a mix of factors, such as payment history and recent credit searches.” The focus of credit scores is the probability of default. Hastings continues, “Credit ratings, on the other hand, are used in the corporate and sovereign bond market and also for asset-backed securities. Ratings are focused on probability of default. Credit rating agencies, such as Standard & Poor’s, consider the loss given default by means of notching, which adjusts the issuer rating to reflect the priority of claims in the capital structure."

Are Hastings’s comments regarding credit scores and credit ratings most likely correct?





No, he is incorrect with regard to credit scores.


No, he is incorrect with regard to credit ratings.


Hastings’s comments regarding both credit scores and credit ratings are correct.

1 个答案

吴昊_品职助教 · 2020年02月23日

通过score体现出的是借款人的信用质量,信用质量主要决定的是他违约的可能性,所以credit score主要focus在违约概率(POD)上。评级评出来的也是发行人的信用质量,信用质量决定了其将来违约的可能性。所以credit rating也是focus在违约概率上。因此,这两句话都是对的。



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NO.PZ2018123101000107 问题如下 Cromwell works with another analyst, George Hastings,to scuss cret scoring ancret rating mols. Hastings starts the conversationsaying, “Cret scoring mols are primarily applieto consumers or smallbusiness borrowers. In some cases, only negative information, suaslinquencies or faults, are use while other mols use a mix of factors,supayment history anrecent cret searches.” The focus of cret scoresis the probability of fault. Hastings continues, “Cret ratings, on the other han areusein the corporate ansovereign bonmarket analso for asset-backeecurities. Ratings are focuseon probability of fault. Cret ratingagencies, suStanr Poor’s, consir the loss given fault bymeans of notching, whiausts the issuer rating to reflethe priority ofclaims in the capitstructure.\"Are Hastings’s comments regarng cret scores anret ratings most likely correct? A.Yes B.No, he is incorrewith regarto cret scores. C.No, he is incorrewith regarto cret ratings. Hastings’s comments regarng both cret scores anret ratings are correct. Cret Rating因为涉及到Notching,所以POLG涉及对吗?Cret Scoring老师上课好像没有讲到是根据POLG关系,所以这个正确的应该是什么呢?

2024-04-08 17:12 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2018123101000107问题如下Cromwell works with another analyst, George Hastings,to scuss cret scoring ancret rating mols. Hastings starts the conversationsaying, “Cret scoring mols are primarily applieto consumers or smallbusiness borrowers. In some cases, only negative information, suaslinquencies or faults, are use while other mols use a mix of factors,supayment history anrecent cret searches.” The focus of cret scoresis the probability of fault. Hastings continues, “Cret ratings, on the other han areusein the corporate ansovereign bonmarket analso for asset-backeecurities. Ratings are focuseon probability of fault. Cret ratingagencies, suStanr Poor’s, consir the loss given fault bymeans of notching, whiausts the issuer rating to reflethe priority ofclaims in the capitstructure.\"Are Hastings’s comments regarng cret scores anret ratings most likely correct?A.YesB.No, he is incorrewith regarto cret scores.C.No, he is incorrewith regarto cret ratings.Hastings’s comments regarng both cret scores anret ratings are correct. cret score focus On Po这个描述对吗 我就是看到这个判断错的

2023-10-09 18:50 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018123101000107 问题如下 Cromwell works with another analyst, George Hastings,to scuss cret scoring ancret rating mols. Hastings starts the conversationsaying, “Cret scoring mols are primarily applieto consumers or smallbusiness borrowers. In some cases, only negative information, suaslinquencies or faults, are use while other mols use a mix of factors,supayment history anrecent cret searches.” The focus of cret scoresis the probability of fault. Hastings continues, “Cret ratings, on the other han areusein the corporate ansovereign bonmarket analso for asset-backeecurities. Ratings are focuseon probability of fault. Cret ratingagencies, suStanr Poor’s, consir the loss given fault bymeans of notching, whiausts the issuer rating to reflethe priority ofclaims in the capitstructure.\"Are Hastings’s comments regarng cret scores anret ratings most likely correct? A.Yes B.No, he is incorrewith regarto cret scores. C.No, he is incorrewith regarto cret ratings. Hastings’s comments regarng both cret scores anret ratings are correct. 第一个问题 consir the loss given fault means of notching,这句话啥意思呢?第二个问题whiausts the issuer rating to reflethe priority of claims in the capitstructure,这句话,调整发行人评级为什么可以反应资本市场的求偿顺序呢? 求偿顺序不是根据产品属性来的么,比如先是兑付优先债、然后兑付次级债,这个和评级没关系吧。不理解。

2023-09-07 18:41 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018123101000107 问题如下 Cromwell works with another analyst, George Hastings,to scuss cret scoring ancret rating mols. Hastings starts the conversationsaying, “Cret scoring mols are primarily applieto consumers or smallbusiness borrowers. In some cases, only negative information, suaslinquencies or faults, are use while other mols use a mix of factors,supayment history anrecent cret searches.” The focus of cret scoresis the probability of fault. Hastings continues, “Cret ratings, on the other han areusein the corporate ansovereign bonmarket analso for asset-backeecurities. Ratings are focuseon probability of fault. Cret ratingagencies, suStanr Poor’s, consir the loss given fault bymeans of notching, whiausts the issuer rating to reflethe priority ofclaims in the capitstructure.\"Are Hastings’s comments regarng cret scores anret ratings most likely correct? A.Yes B.No, he is incorrewith regarto cret scores. C.No, he is incorrewith regarto cret ratings. Hastings’s comments regarng both cret scores anret ratings are correct. cret score模型 In some cases, only negative information表述是不是不严谨?比如讲义中给的FIscore模型包括了很多基础中性的信息,而不是负面信息,根据打分排序来评估信用质量。还是确实可以只包含负面信息?

2023-08-17 15:11 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018123101000107 Rating 是用来衡量 PO还是用来衡量 LG? 那notching 是用来得出 PO还是用来得出 LG的?

2022-02-20 17:51 1 · 回答