NO.PZ2015112003000018 我还是觉得题目少了条件,假设8000固然是对的,但是如果假设它又继续亏,亏到5000以下了,那不是还有tsaving?
NO.PZ2015112003000018 本题解题思路是明白了,但是从题干中哪里看出是比较“第一年先卖出再买回,第二年再卖出”和“不执行操作(持有),直到第二年才卖出”两者的tax区别
NO.PZ2015112003000018 请问是因为没有reinvest,所以tax-savig是0吗?因为亏损的部分不能抵扣不存在的盈利部分
€7,500. €15,000. A is correct. Assuming Cenzo es not reinvest the tsavings, tloss harvesting es not rethe tottpaiover time. It only fers taxes because recognizing the loss resets the cost basis to a lower figure whiwill ultimately increase the gain realizelate the same amount. Tloss harvest caugment return postponing tliabilities. Reinvesting the current year’s tsavings increases the after-tprincipinvestment, whicaugment the value of tloss harvesting further.这个题中说的是same return,这一块我的理解是收益率一样而不是最终股价一样,这样还是会有不同的省税效应啊