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月之流离 · 2020年02月14日



If an underlying asset’s price is less than a related option’s strike price at expiration, a protective put position on that asset versus a fiduciary call position has a value that is:





the same.




B is correct. On the one hand, buying a call option on an asset and a risk- free bond with the same maturity is known as a fiduciary call. If the fiduciary call expires in the money (meaning that the value of the call, ST – X, is greater than the risk- free bond’s price at expiration, X), then the total value of the fiduciary call is (ST – X) + X, or ST. On the other hand, holding an underlying asset, ST, and buying a put on that asset is known as a protective put. If the put expires out of the money, meaning that the value of the asset, ST, is greater than the put’s value at expiration, 0, then the total value of the protective put is ST – 0, or ST. A protective put and a fiduciary call produce the same result.


1 个答案

xiaowan_品职助教 · 2020年02月15日

同学你好,这道题目中涉及到两个组合,组合一是protective put,组合方式long一份执行价格为X的put option,到期时间为T,再持有一份标的资产,该资产在T时刻的价值为ST,那么根据题目要求,T时刻ST

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NO.PZ2018062007000082问题如下If unrlying asset’s priis less tha relateoption’s strike priexpiration, a protective put position on thasset versus a ficiary call position ha value this: A.lower.B.the same. C.higher. B is correct. On the one han buying a call option on asset ana risk- free bonwith the same maturity is known a ficiary call. If unrlying asset’s priis less tha relateoption’s strike priexpiration,the totvalue of the ficiary call is X. On the other han holng unrlying asset, ST, anbuying a put on thasset is known a protective put. the totvalue of the protective put is(X-ST)+ST = X . A protective put ana ficiary call prothe same result. 中文解析在T时刻,标的资产价格ST 执行价格K,在此时call option是没有价值的,为0.(因为T时刻是到期日,call的时间价值为0,而ST K使得它的intrinsic value 也是0),所以此时C+K = 0+K=K;另外一方面,在T时刻,put option的价值=K-ST(因为此时put的时间价值也为0,intrinsic value=K-ST),所以此时P+ST = K - ST + ST = K;所以C+K = P + S仍然成立。 标的资产价格小于执行价格,执行起来更受损失,因此投资者会倾向于call而非put,那么call与put 为什么是一样的

2024-02-21 13:35 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2018062007000082 问题如下 If unrlying asset’s priis less tha relateoption’s strike priexpiration, a protective put position on thasset versus a ficiary call position ha value this: A.lower. B.the same. C.higher. B is correct. On the one han buying a call option on asset ana risk- free bonwith the same maturity is known a ficiary call. If unrlying asset’s priis less tha relateoption’s strike priexpiration,the totvalue of the ficiary call is X. On the other han holng unrlying asset, ST, anbuying a put on thasset is known a protective put. the totvalue of the protective put is(X-ST)+ST = X . A protective put ana ficiary call prothe same result. 中文解析在T时刻,标的资产价格ST 执行价格K,在此时call option是没有价值的,为0.(因为T时刻是到期日,call的时间价值为0,而ST K使得它的intrinsic value 也是0),所以此时C+K = 0+K=K;另外一方面,在T时刻,put option的价值=K-ST(因为此时put的时间价值也为0,intrinsic value=K-ST),所以此时P+ST = K - ST + ST = K;所以C+K = P + S仍然成立。 不是很懂,解析也没看懂,可否详细讲解一下,谢谢。

2022-10-28 02:19 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018062007000082问题如下 If unrlying asset’s priis less tha relateoption’s strike priexpiration, a protective put position on thasset versus a ficiary call position ha value this: A.lower.B.the same. C.higher. B is correct. On the one han buying a call option on asset ana risk- free bonwith the same maturity is known a ficiary call. If unrlying asset’s priis less tha relateoption’s strike priexpiration,the totvalue of the ficiary call is X. On the other han holng unrlying asset, ST, anbuying a put on thasset is known a protective put. the totvalue of the protective put is(X-ST)+ST = X . A protective put ana ficiary call prothe same result. 中文解析在T时刻,标的资产价格ST 执行价格K,在此时call option是没有价值的,为0.(因为T时刻是到期日,call的时间价值为0,而ST K使得它的intrinsic value 也是0),所以此时C+K = 0+K=K;另外一方面,在T时刻,put option的价值=K-ST(因为此时put的时间价值也为0,intrinsic value=K-ST),所以此时P+ST = K - ST + ST = K;所以C+K = P + S仍然成立。 答案的解析没问题,但是这个题目究竟是问的什么?protective put option对比ficiary call,还是说put option对比call option。几个that下来,题目的意思完全搞不清了

2022-04-12 08:36 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018062007000082问题如下If unrlying asset’s priis less tha relateoption’s strike priexpiration, a protective put position on thasset versus a ficiary call position ha value this: A.lower. B.the same. C.higher. B is correct. On the one han buying a call option on asset ana risk- free bonwith the same maturity is known a ficiary call. If unrlying asset’s priis less tha relateoption’s strike priexpiration,the totvalue of the ficiary call is X. On the other han holng unrlying asset, ST, anbuying a put on thasset is known a protective put. the totvalue of the protective put is(X-ST)+ST = X . A protective put ana ficiary call prothe same result. 中文解析在T时刻,标的资产价格ST 执行价格K,在此时call option是没有价值的,为0.(因为T时刻是到期日,call的时间价值为0,而ST K使得它的intrinsic value 也是0),所以此时C+K = 0+K=K;另外一方面,在T时刻,put option的价值=K-ST(因为此时put的时间价值也为0,intrinsic value=K-ST),所以此时P+ST = K - ST + ST = K;所以C+K = P + S仍然成立。 在T时刻,标的资产价格ST 执行价格K,在此时call option是没有价值的,为0.(因为T时刻是到期日,call的时间价值为0,而ST K使得它的intrinsic value 也是0)

2022-03-19 23:42 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018062007000082 想问一下有没有什么情况下这个parity不成立呢?看到前面一个问题问是不是两个组合一直相等,回答说是的,可否详细展开说一下呢?谢谢

2022-02-17 23:26 1 · 回答