5.Unr the assumptions given in Exhibit 4, Retail, Inc.'s, level of on the balansheet is most likely to: increase over the next three years. remain constant over the next three years. crease over the next three years. 5.B Given a constant bt-to-equity ratio, the level of will remain constant if the level of equity remains constant. Given thRetail, Inc., inten to pout all net income vin over the perio anthere are no share repurchases or gains anlosses in other comprehensive income, Retail, Inc.'s, equity will remain constant. 这题我可不可以这样理解1、公司每年会增长5%的利润但是全部以股利发放,所以不影响equity,所以不影响asset;2、虽然OCI直接进equity,但是题中并没有说明到底是gain还是loss,所以不影响equity,所以不影响asset。最终不影响asset,则不影响bt。这样理解可以吗?
5.Unr the assumptions given in Exhibit 4, Retail, Inc.'s, level of on the balansheet is most likely to: increase over the next three years. remain constant over the next three years. crease over the next three years. 5.B Given a constant bt-to-equity ratio, the level of will remain constant if the level of equity remains constant. Given thRetail, Inc., inten to pout all net income vin over the perio anthere are no share repurchases or gains anlosses in other comprehensive income, Retail, Inc.'s, equity will remain constant. Profits are expecteto positive anto increase 5% per yefor the next five years. 是干扰项是吧?