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叶赫那拉坤坤 · 2020年02月10日



A.J. plans to pay his child's tuition fee for four years starting 15 years from now. He estimates the fees is $22,000 per year. If the saving account interestt rate is 5.5% annually, and A.J. will make payments at the end of each year, how much would A.J. put aside?









B is correct.

Step 1: N = 4, FV = 0, I/Y = 5.5, PMT = 22,000, CPT PV = -77,113.30

Step 2: PV =0, N = 14, I/Y = 5.5, FV = 77,113.30, CPT PMT =-$3,800.07


学费不是期初缴纳吗? n=4 i=5.5 pmt=-22000 fv=0 bng cpt pv=81354.53


n=15 i=5.5 pv=0 fv=81354.53 cpt pmt= 3630.49

Crystalsuiwei · 2020年02月16日


星星_品职助教 · 2020年02月16日

重述一遍,这种题目有固定的的解题思路,按照考试思路即可。以下了解就行:1. 这道题的核心是15-18有四笔现金流要求PV,并不涉及到学费是先付还是后付的问题 2. 即使先付年金算到15时间点,答案也不会有不同,因为无论怎么算,PMT都只能有14笔,否则在15时间点就会出现又付钱又存钱的情况。所以如果用先付年金算到N=15,还得在再除以1+r折到14时间点,然后再按照同样的step 2来计算PMT 3. 按照你的算法的话,是有15笔PMT,所以和14笔PMT的金额肯定是不一样的,这是对不上的原因。4. 这是固定的考法,不用纠结

1 个答案

星星_品职助教 · 2020年02月11日


这道题告诉了 starting 15 years from now,就不用考虑学费是什么年金的问题了,四笔学费的现金流发生时间就是15,16,17,18.



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NO.PZ2015120604000170问题如下 A.J. plans to phis chils tuition fee for four years starting 15 years from now. He estimates the fees is $22,000 per year. If the saving account interest rate is 5.5% annually, anhow mupayment A.J. shoulmake the enof eayefrom now? A.$3,441.23B.$3,800.07C.$4,009.08B is correct.Step 1: N = 4, FV = 0, I/Y = 5.5, PMT = 22,000, CPT PV = -77,113.30Step 2: PV =0, N = 14, I/Y = 5.5, FV = 77,113.30, CPT PMT =-$3,800.07老师,我发现我做类似的题最容易做错的部分就是前面一个时间段短年份数,就像这道题,我就会按照15年来计算。

2023-07-21 11:57 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2015120604000170问题如下 A.J. plans to phis chils tuition fee for four years starting 15 years from now. He estimates the fees is $22,000 per year. If the saving account interest rate is 5.5% annually, anhow mupayment A.J. shoulmake the enof eayefrom now? A.$3,441.23B.$3,800.07C.$4,009.08B is correct.Step 1: N = 4, FV = 0, I/Y = 5.5, PMT = 22,000, CPT PV = -77,113.30Step 2: PV =0, N = 14, I/Y = 5.5, FV = 77,113.30, CPT PMT =-$3,800.07为什么N是14题目不是说从现在开始的15年吗

2023-06-08 19:57 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2015120604000170 问题如下 A.J. plans to phis chils tuition fee for four years starting 15 years from now. He estimates the fees is $22,000 per year. If the saving account interest rate is 5.5% annually, anhow mupayment A.J. shoulmake the enof eayefrom now? A.$3,441.23 B.$3,800.07 C.$4,009.08 B is correct.Step 1: N = 4, FV = 0, I/Y = 5.5, PMT = 22,000, CPT PV = -77,113.30Step 2: PV =0, N = 14, I/Y = 5.5, FV = 77,113.30, CPT PMT =-$3,800.07 除非北美那边学费是年末付的。 这个显然不符合常理吧。是不是算4年学费现值应该选年初支付呢。因为这个是有差异的呀。

2023-04-22 10:01 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2015120604000170 问题如下 A.J. plans to phis chils tuition fee for four years starting 15 years from now. He estimates the fees is $22,000 per year. If the saving account interest rate is 5.5% annually, anhow mupayment A.J. shoulmake the enof eayefrom now? A.$3,441.23 B.$3,800.07 C.$4,009.08 B is correct.Step 1: N = 4, FV = 0, I/Y = 5.5, PMT = 22,000, CPT PV = -77,113.30Step 2: PV =0, N = 14, I/Y = 5.5, FV = 77,113.30, CPT PMT =-$3,800.07 15、16、17、18年需要交学费,那应该是年初交,所以计算机要调整成BGN,N=4,I/Y=5.5,PMT=22000,FV=0,得出折现到15年时候得PV=81354;从现在0时刻开始,每年年末存一笔钱,到14年,一共存了14笔,计算机调整成ENN=14,I/Y=5.5,PV=0,FV=-81354,

2023-02-03 14:57 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2015120604000170 问题如下 A.J. plans to phis chils tuition fee for four years starting 15 years from now. He estimates the fees is $22,000 per year. If the saving account interest rate is 5.5% annually, anhow mupayment A.J. shoulmake the enof eayefrom now? A.$3,441.23 B.$3,800.07 C.$4,009.08 B is correct.Step 1: N = 4, FV = 0, I/Y = 5.5, PMT = 22,000, CPT PV = -77,113.30Step 2: PV =0, N = 14, I/Y = 5.5, FV = 77,113.30, CPT PMT =-$3,800.07 这道题可以翻译下吗 我理解的是用15年每年定期存入的钱支付4年的学费,那么N就是等于15呀

2022-12-19 14:01 3 · 回答