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汤米露 · 2020年02月10日



Silvia Abram and Walter Edgarton are analysts with Cefrino Investments, which sponsors the Cefrino Sovereign Bond Fund (the Fund). Abram and Edgarton recently attended an investment committee meeting where interest rate expectations for the next 12 months were discussed. The Fund’s mandate allows its duration to fluctuate ±0.30 per year from the benchmark duration. The Fund’s duration is currently equal to its benchmark. Although the Fund is presently invested entirely in annual coupon sovereign bonds, its investment policy also allows investments in mortgage-backed securities (MBS) and call options on government bond futures. The Fund’s current holdings of on-the-run bonds are presented in Exhibit 1.

Over the next 12 months, Abram expects a stable yield curve; however, Edgarton expects a steepening yield curve, with short-term yields rising by 1.00% and long-term yields rising by more than 1.00%.

Based on Exhibit 1 and Abram’s expectation for the yield curve over the next 12 months, the strategy most likely to improve the Fund’s return relative to the benchmark is to:



buy and hold


increase convexity


ride the yield curve


C is correct.

Since Abram expects the curve to remain stable, the yield curve is upward sloping and the Fund’s duration is neutral to its benchmark. Her best strategy is to ride the yield curve and enhance return by capturing price appreciation as the bonds shorten in maturity.

请问哪一句话体现了,这个yield curve 是upward sloping呢?

1 个答案

发亮_品职助教 · 2020年02月11日


“请问哪一句话体现了,这个yield curve 是upward sloping呢?”

就是表格Exhibit 1里面给的利率信息。

表格Exhibit 1给的是国债的利率信息,发现1年期国债的利率是0.78%, 3-year是1.40%,依次往下,发现收益率曲线是向上倾斜的。
