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Roseline · 2020年02月09日

问一道题:NO.PZ2016082406000084 [ FRM II ]








老师好,按照何老师课上例题讲解的另一种方法,求出来的Credit VAR应该是选项C。下图图一为视频讲义例题,图二为何老师课上讲解的第二种方法笔记,图三为这道题用两种方法算出来的答案(不一致)。请老师解答。

Roseline · 2020年02月10日


2 个答案

品职答疑小助手雍 · 2020年02月10日


佩奇_ · 2020年03月24日


品职答疑小助手雍 · 2020年03月24日

我一般是推荐从0开始累积取数的,然后选第一个超过confidence level的数作为UL,倒着取也可以,不过要小心,找的是第一个超过XXX的数,不是低于。这些方法其实就是累加一下累计概率。打字的话,确实不太好具体描述,不过这知识点课上应该讲的很详细的啊~

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$1,682 $998,318 $498,318 ANSWER: in the previous question, the monthly fault probability is 0.00168. The following table shows the stribution of cret losses. This gives expecteloss of $1,682, the same before. Next, $500,000 is the Wa minimum 99.9% confinlevel because the totprobability of observing a number equto or lower ththis is greater th99.9%. The cret Vis then $500,000 - $1,682 = $498,318. 为什么WCL是500,000.00?

2021-04-04 17:22 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016082406000084 A risk analyst is trying to estimate the cret Vfor a portfolio of two risky bon. The cret Vis finethe maximum unexpecteloss a confinlevel of 99.9% over a one-month horizon. Assume theabonis value$500,000 one month forwar anthe one-yecumulative fault probability is 2% for eaof these bon. Whis the best estimate of the cret Vfor this portfolio, assuming no fault correlation anno recovery? $841 $1,682 $998,318 $498,318 ANSWER: in the previous question, the monthly fault probability is 0.00168. The following table shows the stribution of cret losses. This gives expecteloss of $1,682, the same before. Next, $500,000 is the Wa minimum 99.9% confinlevel because the totprobability of observing a number equto or lower ththis is greater th99.9%. The cret Vis then $500,000 - $1,682 = $498,318. ​怎么用年度违约概率求出月度的违约概率?

2021-02-28 14:33 1 · 回答

A risk analyst is trying to estimate the cret Vfor a portfolio of two risky bon. The cret Vis finethe maximum unexpecteloss a confinlevel of 99.9% over a one-month horizon. Assume theabonis value$500,000 one month forwar anthe one-yecumulative fault probability is 2% for eaof these bon. Whis the best estimate of the cret Vfor this portfolio, assuming no fault correlation anno recovery? $841 $1,682 $998,318 $498,318 ANSWER: in the previous question, the monthly fault probability is 0.00168. The following table shows the stribution of cret losses. This gives expecteloss of $1,682, the same before. Next, $500,000 is the Wa minimum 99.9% confinlevel because the totprobability of observing a number equto or lower ththis is greater th99.9%. The cret Vis then $500,000 - $1,682 = $498,318. 请问,这个组合的EL难道不是固定的,为什么会随着不同的情况变化?因为这两个bon没有fault correlation的,然后直接看成一个100万的bon可以吗?直接求EL

2020-08-30 20:54 1 · 回答

A risk analyst is trying to estimate the cret Vfor a portfolio of two risky bon. The cret Vis finethe maximum unexpecteloss a confinlevel of 99.9% over a one-month horizon. Assume theabonis value$500,000 one month forwar anthe one-yecumulative fault probability is 2% for eaof these bon. Whis the best estimate of the cret Vfor this portfolio, assuming no fault correlation anno recovery? $841 $1,682 $998,318 $498,318 ANSWER: in the previous question, the monthly fault probability is 0.00168. The following table shows the stribution of cret losses. This gives expecteloss of $1,682, the same before. Next, $500,000 is the Wa minimum 99.9% confinlevel because the totprobability of observing a number equto or lower ththis is greater th99.9%. The cret Vis then $500,000 - $1,682 = $498,318. 那么这题为什么不选C答案呢,按照反推法,根据谨慎性的原则,最大的损失不是1M么

2020-08-29 13:39 1 · 回答

A risk analyst is trying to estimate the cret Vfor a portfolio of two risky bon. The cret Vis finethe maximum unexpecteloss a confinlevel of 99.9% over a one-month horizon. Assume theabonis value$500,000 one month forwar anthe one-yecumulative fault probability is 2% for eaof these bon. Whis the best estimate of the cret Vfor this portfolio, assuming no fault correlation anno recovery? $841 $1,682 $998,318 $498,318 ANSWER: in the previous question, the monthly fault probability is 0.00168. The following table shows the stribution of cret losses. This gives expecteloss of $1,682, the same before. Next, $500,000 is the Wa minimum 99.9% confinlevel because the totprobability of observing a number equto or lower ththis is greater th99.9%. The cret Vis then $500,000 - $1,682 = $498,318. 请问答案中的图表是怎么计算出来的?没有看懂啊

2020-04-28 10:38 1 · 回答