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sarahjia · 2020年02月09日

问一道题:NO.PZ2015120604000050 [ CFA I ]







请问如果用计算器这个怎么按呢,按完数据然后按2nd然后8之后出现LIN之后该怎么样呢。如果是套数字进公式应该是怎么样的呢 谢谢

2 个答案

星星_品职助教 · 2020年02月09日


LIN之后一路按向下箭头找到population standard deviation,然后平方即可。


sarahjia · 2020年02月10日

好的 谢谢您

ᎽuᏞᎥᏁ · 2020年05月28日

您好,计算器按完2nd 7之后的数字是怎么输入啊,劳烦再讲一下啊,输入完数字按enter总是算不对。

星星_品职助教 · 2020年05月29日




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NO.PZ2015120604000050 问题如下 The table below shows the monthly storeturns of Ivy Corp.Accorng to the above table , calculate the population stanrviation for Ivy Corp. returns, assuming the population h6 observations? A.8.78%. B.8.01%. C.48.06%. B is corre σ = σ 2 = p o p u l a t i o n v a r i a n c e Population varianis 64.2 calculatein previous question, thus population stanrviation is 8.01, the square root of 64.2. 哪一个是样本的?

2023-12-18 23:39 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2015120604000050 问题如下 The table below shows the monthly storeturns of Ivy Corp.Accorng to the above table , calculate the population stanrviation for Ivy Corp. returns, assuming the population h6 observations? A.8.78%. B.8.01%. C.48.06%. B is corre σ = σ 2 = p o p u l a t i o n v a r i a n c e Population varianis 64.2 calculatein previous question, thus population stanrviation is 8.01, the square root of 64.2. 按照这样数据计算出来不是答案

2023-08-19 10:08 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2015120604000050 问题如下 The table below shows the monthly storeturns of Ivy Corp.Accorng to the above table , calculate the population stanrviation for Ivy Corp. returns, assuming the population h6 observations? A.8.78%. B.8.01%. C.48.06%. B is corre σ = σ 2 = p o p u l a t i o n v a r i a n c e Population varianis 64.2 calculatein previous question, thus population stanrviation is 8.01, the square root of 64.2. 2N7输入统计数据时,遇到重复的X值,Y值能否输入X值的重复个数?例如此题中有两个12%,X值输入12,Y值输入2,这样计算出来的总体方差是8.51...

2023-08-11 23:11 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2015120604000050问题如下The table below shows the monthly storeturns of Ivy Corp.Accorng to the above table , calculate the population stanrviation for Ivy Corp. returns, assuming the population h6 observations?A.8.78%.B.8.01%.C.48.06%.B is corre σ = σ 2 = p o p u l a t i o n v a r i a n c e Population varianis 64.2 calculatein previous question, thus population stanrviation is 8.01, the square root of 64.2. 问的是假如总体有六个observation,是不是说明这六个值不是整体,只是一个样本?还有虽然我知道总体和样本的方差计算,但是这二者有什么联系和应用呢?如果我有一个样本,用样本的公式计算,再用得出的数值去估衡量整体吗?是否可以讲一下计算样本统计量的意义

2022-10-22 15:00 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2015120604000050 问题如下 The table below shows the monthly storeturns of Ivy Corp.Accorng to the above table , calculate the population stanrviation for Ivy Corp. returns, assuming the population h6 observations? A.8.78%. B.8.01%. C.48.06%. B is corre σ = σ 2 = p o p u l a t i o n v a r i a n c e Population varianis 64.2 calculatein previous question, thus population stanrviation is 8.01, the square root of 64.2. 老师,刚才有一题的问题是“Accorng to the above table ,Calculate the sample stanrviation for Ivy Corp. returns, assuming above tainclus all samples??”本题问题是“Accorng to the above table , calculate the population stanrviation for Ivy Corp. returns, assuming the population h6 observations?”请问既然样本和总体都为6个观察值,计算起来有什么区别呢?麻烦老师分别列一下计算过程,谢谢!

2022-08-18 00:53 3 · 回答