NO.PZ2020011101000018 问题如下 The 2018Q3 value of reG growth is RGGT−1=2.793RGG_{T-1} = 2.793RGGT−1=2.793.The 2018Q4 value of reG growth is RGGT−1=2.564RGG_{T-1} = 2.564RGGT−1=2.564. Whare the forecasts for 2019Q1 – 2019Q4 using the AR(2) mol in Table 10.1? All forecasts are recursively computestarting with the first:1.765 + 0.319 * 2.564 + 0.114 * 2.793 = 2.90. The two-step forecast uses the one-step forecast: 1.765 + 0.319 * 2.90 + 0.114 * 2.564 = 2.98.The three-anfour-step penentirely on other forecasts:1.765 + 0.319 * 2.98 + 0.114 * 2.90 = 3.05. 1.765 + 0.319 * 3.05 + 0.114 * 2.98 = 3.08. 带括号那一行是t统计量,明显不等于0的,怎么看出来呢?
NO.PZ2020011101000018 问题如下 The 2018Q3 value of reG growth is RGGT−1=2.793RGG_{T-1} = 2.793RGGT−1=2.793.The 2018Q4 value of reG growth is RGGT−1=2.564RGG_{T-1} = 2.564RGGT−1=2.564. Whare the forecasts for 2019Q1 – 2019Q4 using the AR(2) mol in Table 10.1? All forecasts are recursively computestarting with the first:1.765 + 0.319 * 2.564 + 0.114 * 2.793 = 2.90. The two-step forecast uses the one-step forecast: 1.765 + 0.319 * 2.90 + 0.114 * 2.564 = 2.98.The three-anfour-step penentirely on other forecasts:1.765 + 0.319 * 2.98 + 0.114 * 2.90 = 3.05. 1.765 + 0.319 * 3.05 + 0.114 * 2.98 = 3.08. 请问表2,为什么选0.319那行的数,而不选0.319下面那几行的数呢
NO.PZ2020011101000018 老师,不太明白这个题在考什么?怎么算的?
这个表要怎么看啊 为什么选1.765那行,-8.609那行是干什么用的啊