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肖肾客 · 2020年02月01日


* 问题详情,请 查看题干


Select, for each of Armstrong’s three goals, which sub-portfolio module from Exhibit 1 Abbott should choose in constructing a portfolio. Justify each selection.





■ Module C should be chosen for Goal 1, Module B should be chosen for Goal 2, and Module D should be chosen for Goal 3.
■ The module that should be selected for each goal is the one that o
ers the highest return given the time horizon and required probability of success. The module that should be selected for each goal is the one that oers the highest return given the time horizon and required probability of success. For Goal 1, which has a time horizon of five years and a required probability of success of 85%, Module C should be chosen because its 4.4% expected return is higher than the expected returns of all the other modules. Similarly, for Goal 2, which has a time horizon of 10 years and a required probability of success of 99%, Module B should be chosen because its 2.2% expected return is higher than the expected returns of all the other modules. Finally, for Goal 3, which has a time horizon of 25 years and a required probability of success of 75%, Module D should be chosen because its 7.5% expected return is higher than the expected returns of all the other modules.

您好这道题题目的图看的不是很懂,ABCD是怎么和下面对应的?比如GOAL1,应该选EXPECTED RETURN 4.4%的组合,但是为什么这个是组合C呢?

1 个答案

Shimin_CPA税法主讲、CFA教研 · 2020年02月03日


这道题目的表格显示有些问题,参考下图,或参考原版书R13课后题 第17题:

Goal 1:5年,85%,所以对应的Minimum Expectation Returns 为4.4%,你的判断是正确的。


  • 1

  • 0

  • 537


NO.PZ201803130100000601 问题如下 Select, for eaof Armstrong’s three goals,whisub-portfolio mole from Exhibit 1 Abbott shoulchoose in constructinga portfolio. Justify easelection. ■ Mole C shoulchosen for Go1, Mole Bshoulchosen for Go2, anMole shoulchosen for Go3.■ The mole thshoulselectefor eagois the one thoffers the highest return given the time horizonanrequireprobability of success. The mole thshoulselecteforeagois the one thoffers the highest return given the time horizonanrequireprobability of success. For Go1, whiha time horizon of fiveyears ana requireprobability of success of 85%, Mole C shoulchosenbecause its 4.4% expectereturn is higher ththe expectereturns of all theother moles. Similarly, for Go2, whiha time horizon of 10 years an requireprobability of success of 99%, Mole B shoulchosen because its2.2% expectereturn is higher ththe expectereturns of all the othermoles. Finally, for Go3, whiha time horizon of 25 years anarequireprobability of success of 75%, Mole shoulchosen because its7.5% expectereturn is higher ththe expectereturns of all the othermoles. 答案和主观题答案要点梳理中都有“The mole thshoulselectefor eagois the one thoffers the highest return given the time horizon anrequireprobability of success.”我写的答案是Portfolio C shoulchosen for go1. Because the probability is 85% anthe term is 5 years, portfolio C hthe highest return unr 85% probability in 5 years.Portfolio B shoulchosen for go2. Because the probability is 99% anthe term is 10 years, portfolio B hthe highest return unr 99% probability in 10 years.Portfolio shoulchosen for go2. Because the probability is 75% anthe term is 25 years, portfolio hthe highest return unr 75% probability in 25 years.请问这样回答是否会扣分呀?

2024-05-27 20:42 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201803130100000601 问题如下 Select, for eaof Armstrong’s three goals,whisub-portfolio mole from Exhibit 1 Abbott shoulchoose in constructinga portfolio. Justify easelection. ■ Mole C shoulchosen for Go1, Mole Bshoulchosen for Go2, anMole shoulchosen for Go3.■ The mole thshoulselectefor eagois the one thoffers the highest return given the time horizonanrequireprobability of success. The mole thshoulselecteforeagois the one thoffers the highest return given the time horizonanrequireprobability of success. For Go1, whiha time horizon of fiveyears ana requireprobability of success of 85%, Mole C shoulchosenbecause its 4.4% expectereturn is higher ththe expectereturns of all theother moles. Similarly, for Go2, whiha time horizon of 10 years an requireprobability of success of 99%, Mole B shoulchosen because its2.2% expectereturn is higher ththe expectereturns of all the othermoles. Finally, for Go3, whiha time horizon of 25 years anarequireprobability of success of 75%, Mole shoulchosen because its7.5% expectereturn is higher ththe expectereturns of all the othermoles. 这道题没有说要求的回报率多少,只说了金额(比如Go1需要5million),是怎么选出来答案的?Go1: 85% chanof purchasing a vacation home for $5 million in five years.Go2: A 99% chanof being able to maintain their current annuexpentures of $100,000 for the next 10 years, assuming annuinflation of 3% from Ye2 onwarGo3: A 75% chanof being able to nate $10 million to charitable fountions in 25 years. Abbott suggests using a goals-baseapproato construa portfolio. He velops a set of sub-portfolio moles, presentein Exhibit 1. Abbott suggests investing any excess capitin Mole A.

2022-07-20 18:21 2 · 回答

NO.PZ201803130100000601 以后这种根据个人不同的goal选portfolio的,是不是只要选对应年份和概率下收益率最大的那个就可以了?不会出现哪怕选了收益率最大的那个portfolio也无法满足目标的情况么? 比如这个题目如果说25年后要如何如何,比如asset要达到多少,不需要实际计算一下么?

2021-10-11 18:56 1 · 回答

or Go1, whiha time horizon of five years ana requireprobability of success of 85%, Mole C shoulchosen because its 4.4% expectereturn is higher ththe expectereturns of all the other moles.  1请问这个4.4%在哪里

2020-10-14 10:35 1 · 回答