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安安鱼 · 2020年01月28日

问一道题:NO.PZ2020010304000054 [ FRM I ]



1 个答案

orange品职答疑助手 · 2020年02月04日



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NO.PZ2020010304000054问题如下Suppose thfor a lineregression, estimation of slope is statehaving a one-sip-value of 0.04. Whes this mean?The p-value tells us the “probability of observing a test statistic this more extreme ththe one computefrom the observeta when the null hypothesis is true.” In other wor, if the estimate of the slope is true, then in a ranmizetrithe probability of getting a larger new slope estimate is 4%.Assuming a normstribution, this will corresponto the value of x thsolves the following equation:1 - Φ(x) = 0.04 Using the excel function NORMSINV gives x = 1.75. 老师,p value和a不都应该是在左边吗?概率累积函数P value左侧的面积才是p value对应的概率呀?

2024-05-13 18:02 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2020010304000054 问题如下 Suppose thfor a lineregression, estimation of slope is statehaving a one-sip-value of 0.04. Whes this mean? The p-value tells us the “probability of observing a test statistic this more extreme ththe one computefrom the observeta when the null hypothesis is true.” In other wor, if the estimate of the slope is true, then in a ranmizetrithe probability of getting a larger new slope estimate is 4%.Assuming a normstribution, this will corresponto the value of x thsolves the following equation:1 - Φ(x) = 0.04 Using the excel function NORMSINV gives x = 1.75. 不太懂题目的考点,也不明白解析。

2024-02-07 22:34 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2020010304000054 问题如下 Suppose thfor a lineregression, estimation of slope is statehaving a one-sip-value of 0.04. Whes this mean? The p-value tells us the “probability of observing a test statistic this more extreme ththe one computefrom the observeta when the null hypothesis is true.” In other wor, if the estimate of the slope is true, then in a ranmizetrithe probability of getting a larger new slope estimate is 4%.Assuming a normstribution, this will corresponto the value of x thsolves the following equation:1 - Φ(x) = 0.04 Using the excel function NORMSINV gives x = 1.75. 还是不懂1.75是怎么得出来的?

2023-03-04 20:58 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2020010304000054问题如下Suppose thfor a lineregression, estimation of slope is statehaving a one-sip-value of 0.04. Whes this mean?The p-value tells us the “probability of observing a test statistic this more extreme ththe one computefrom the observeta when the null hypothesis is true.” In other wor, if the estimate of the slope is true, then in a ranmizetrithe probability of getting a larger new slope estimate is 4%.Assuming a normstribution, this will corresponto the value of x thsolves the following equation:1 - Φ(x) = 0.04 Using the excel function NORMSINV gives x = 1.75. 老师我理解p value是最小拒绝原假设的α,这意思是α再变小就会拒绝吗,然后为啥是右尾哦,有点没反应过来

2022-05-03 06:04 1 · 回答


2020-02-24 15:34 1 · 回答