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Sure · 2020年01月21日

问一道题:NO.PZ201902210100000105 第5小题 [ CFA III ]

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题目中有句话是 british bond will remain stable versus the EUR,为什么还要hedge呢,这句话是什么含义呢?想问一下这道题有视频讲解吗,感觉好难 问题如下图:






1 个答案

发亮_品职助教 · 2020年01月22日


”想问一下这道题有视频讲解吗,感觉好难 ”

有的,这道题在基础班当成例题有讲解。参考Reading 20下面的知识点:

“题目中有句话是 british bond will remain stable versus the EUR,为什么还要hedge呢,这句话是什么含义呢?

对的,题目中的有预测:the British Pound will remain stable versus the Euro.



这就是Unhedged return:直接用未来即期汇率换汇的收益。

但是如果我们利用Forward hedge汇率风险,在期初Forward合约就能约定好期末换汇汇率,那换汇的收益在期初就可以确定下来,利用Forward约定换汇汇率获得的换汇收益为:


根据Interest rate parity,这个收益约等于两国的利率之差,因为是6个月的Forward,所以是6个月的利率之差:

(F-S0)/S0 约等于 A国6个月利率 减去 B国6个月利率。这就是利用Forward Hedged return


例如,把EUR hedge成GBP,也就是期末用Forward约定将EUR换成GBP,那GBP的利率就在减号前面,EUR的利率在减号后面

这样的话,把EUR hedge成GBP获得的收益约为:(0.50%-0.15%)/2 = 0.175%;

因为题目给的都是年利率,而Forward只有6个月,所以要除以2。这就是利用Forward把EUR hedge成GBP获得的收益。

发现,对于GBP Portfolio,不Hedge、期末用即期汇率换汇的收益是:0%;

而Hedge,利用Forward换汇的收益是:0.175%;显然是用Forward hedge掉汇率风险更好,所以对于GBP Portfolio我们选择Hedge



我们已经在多个国家的债券里,选择出了Greek bond的收益最高,所以我们给GBP Portfolio投资了Greek债券,但是期末我们需要把EUR的收益换回GBP的收益。


第一种,是利用分析师的预期汇率换,也就是不Hedge、直接用期末的即期汇率换,这对应本题他的预测:the British Pound will remain stable versus the Euro;因为是Stable,所以Unhedged return = 0%;

第二种换汇方法,是利用Forward在期初就约定换汇汇率,换汇的收益约等于两国利率之差,对于本题,因为是把EUR hedge成GBP,所以我们算出来的Hedged return  ≈ 6个月利率GBP - 6个月利率EUR;使用6个月利率,是因为Forward是6个月的期限。

发现,第二种利用Forward换汇的方法获得的收益更高,所以对于GBP portfolio,我们就是利用Forward Hedge掉Currency risk,用Forward期末约定的汇率换汇。


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NO.PZ201902210100000105 老师,为什么计算半年的收益率?

2021-11-10 12:32 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201902210100000105 就这道题我反反复复听了何老师讲的和有问必答您的,但是有两个问题一直没搞明白 1.希腊债券半年的收益率直接用5.7%除以2,背后的逻辑是因为收益率曲线stable还是因为这些债券都是平价发行?有这个困惑是因为看书后的答案和您的都了半天coupon和4年跟5年之间收益率差别不大的问题。 2.为什么希腊债券半年的收益率可以直接用5.7%除以2,而墨西哥债券半年的收益率不能用改变后的7%直接除以2来计算。何老师视频里面也只是说了一句因为墨西哥债券收益率改变了,所以就要算现金流倒推收益率,也没说明白背后的具体逻辑是什么?

2021-10-01 13:34 2 · 回答

buying the Greek 5-yein eaof the portfolios, heing the currenin the GBP-baseportfolio, anleaving the currenunheein the llar-baseportfolio. buying the Greek 5-yein the Euro-nominateportfolio, buying the Mexic5-yein the GanUSnominateportfolios, anleaving the currenunheein eacase. B is correct. Winston shoulbuy the Greek 5-yebonfor eaportfolio. In the US llportfolio, she shoulleave the currenunhee accepting the exposure to the Euro, whiis projecteto appreciate 1% against the US In the UK portfolio, she shoulhee the bons EUR exposure into GBP. In the Euro-baseportfolio there is no heing cision to ma because the Greek bonis nominatein EUR. Because yiel are projecteto remain unchangein the US, UK, Euro, anGreek markets, the 5-yeGreek bon will still pricepin six months anthe US, UK, anEuro bon will realize a negligible priappreciation when they have 4.5 years to maturity. Hence, the locmarket return for eaof these bon will equhalf of the coupon: 0.975%, 0.55%, 0.30%, an2.85%, respectively. The Mexic5-yewill priceto yiel7.0% the enof the perio Its priwill ∑ t=1 9 7.25 2 (1+ 0.07 2 ) t + 100 (1+ 0.07 2 ) 9 =100.9501 Its locmarket return is therefore 4.576% = (100.9501 + 7.25/2)/100. covereinterest parity, the cost of heing a boninto a particulcurrenis the short-term (six months here) rate for the curreninto whithe bonis heeminus the short-term rate for the currenin whithe bonis nominate For heing US, UK, anMexicbon into Euros for six months the calculation is: USinto EUR: (0.15% – 1.40%)/2 = –0.625% Ginto EUR: (0.15% –0.50%)/2 = –0.175% MXN into EUR: (0.15% – 7.10%)/2 = –3.475% (Note tha negative number is a cost while a positive number woula benefit.) Combining these heing costs with eabons locmarket return, the returns heeinto EUR, whicnow valiy compare are: US: 0.975% + (–0.625%) = 0.350% UK: 0.550% + (–0.175%) = 0.375% MX: 4.576% + (–3.475%) = 1.101% GR: 2.850% + 0 = 2.850% EU: 0.300% + 0 = 0.300% The Greek bonis fthe most attractive investment. This woulstill true if returns were heeinto USor GBP. So, the Greek 5-yeshoulpurchasefor eaportfolio. Whether or not to actually hee the currenexposure pen on if the cost/benefit of heing is greater ththe projectechange in the spot exchange rate. For the llar-nominateportfolio, heing the Greek boninto USwoul\"piup\" 0.625% (the opposite of heing USinto EUR). But EUR is expecteto appreciate 1.0% against the llar, so it is better to leave the bonunheein the USnominateportfolio. Heing EUR into Gpicks up 0.175% of return. SinEUR is projecteto remain unchangeagainst GBP, it is better (from expectereturn perspective) to hee the Greek boninto GBP. A is incorrebecause it cseen from the explanation for B above ththe Greek 5-yebonis fthe most attractive investment, returning 2.85% compareto the Mexic5-yebons return of 1.101%. If the returns for these bon were heeinto USor G(insteof EUR), in eacase the return on the Mexic5-yebonwoulstill inferior to thof the Greek 5-yebon C is incorrebecause it cseen from the explanation for B above ththe Greek 5-yebonis fthe most attractive investment, returning 2.85% compareto the Mexic5-yebons return of 1.101%. If the returns for these bon were heeinto USor G(insteof EUR), in eacase the return on the Mexic5-yebonwoulstill inferior to thof the Greek 5-yebon Moreover, over the 6-month investment horizon the MexicPeso is expecteto preciate against both the GanUS further impairing the unheereturns on the Mexic5-yebonin GanUSterms. 请问Limiteto unhee or hegng into是什么意思……

2021-05-12 21:05 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201902210100000105 这题Mexic5-yeprice怎么算出的100.9501?? 我算的是30.9988 + 73.373, 哪里错了?

2021-04-24 18:55 2 · 回答

NO.PZ201902210100000105 base curren和nominatecurrency的意思是base currency是基础货币,nominatecurrency是所买的外国债券吗 怎么讲nominatecurrenhee成可比较的,这道题完全不明白

2021-04-14 09:19 1 · 回答