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lilyli123 · 2020年01月19日



During their meeting, Açor and Bañuq discuss charitable pledges that Udhamini has recently received and the likelihood that Njau will meet her charitable pledge. Bañuq then asks Açor the following question:

“How might my investment objectives and constraints differ from those of a typical university endowment, such as Udhamini?

The day after Açor’s meeting with Bañuq, Açor realizes that her actions in the meeting may have raised an ethical concern.

The most appropriate response to Bañuq’s question is that he has: 



a shorter time horizon. 


 less significant tax considerations. 


 less diverse investment objectives.


 A is correct. As a private client, Bañuq is more likely to have a shorter time horizon than that of Udhamini. Thus, Bañuq is likely to be more constrained with respect to risk taking and liquidity. A typical university endowment has a long time horizon, which can theoretically be infinite.

B为何不对,税收问题不也是个人客户经常考虑么,另外这题目提到Ethical concern, 有什么特别用意?

1 个答案

包包_品职助教 · 2020年01月20日


个人和机构客户都需要考虑税收,但是个人的税收要复杂一些,有遗产税,投资税,收入税,消费税等等。而且税率也都不同。而机构客户的税相对就比较简单了,就是投资税,总的来说个人客户的税对投资的影响要大一些。因此个人客户投资的时候,要更加注重考虑税的影响,因此是more significant tax considerations. 而不是less。

另外这题目提到Ethical concern,这道题目用不是,是下一道题目要用到的



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NO.PZ2018091705000105 问题如下 ring their meeting, Açor anBañuq scuss charitable plees thUamini hrecently receiveanthe likelihoothNjwill meet her charitable plee. Bañuq then asks Açor the following question:“How might my investment objectives anconstraints ffer from those of a typicuniversity enwment, suUamini?The y after Açor’s meeting with Bañuq, Açor realizes thher actions in the meeting mhave raiseethicconcern.The most appropriate response to Bañuq’s question is thhe has: A.a shorter time horizon. less significant tconsirations. less verse investment objectives. A is correct. a private client, Bañuq is more likely to have a shorter time horizon ththof Uamini. Thus, Bañuq is likely to more constrainewith respeto risk taking anliquity. A typicuniversity enwment ha long time horizon, whictheoretically infinite. 如上

2024-04-06 16:10 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018091705000105 问题如下 ring their meeting, Açor anBañuq scuss charitable plees thUamini hrecently receiveanthe likelihoothNjwill meet her charitable plee. Bañuq then asks Açor the following question:“How might my investment objectives anconstraints ffer from those of a typicuniversity enwment, suUamini?The y after Açor’s meeting with Bañuq, Açor realizes thher actions in the meeting mhave raiseethicconcern.The most appropriate response to Bañuq’s question is thhe has: A.a shorter time horizon. less significant tconsirations. less verse investment objectives. A is correct. a private client, Bañuq is more likely to have a shorter time horizon ththof Uamini. Thus, Bañuq is likely to more constrainewith respeto risk taking anliquity. A typicuniversity enwment ha long time horizon, whictheoretically infinite. 完全看不懂,考点是什么?

2024-01-14 21:01 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018091705000105 问题如下 ring their meeting, Açor anBañuq scuss charitable plees thUamini hrecently receiveanthe likelihoothNjwill meet her charitable plee. Bañuq then asks Açor the following question:“How might my investment objectives anconstraints ffer from those of a typicuniversity enwment, suUamini?The y after Açor’s meeting with Bañuq, Açor realizes thher actions in the meeting mhave raiseethicconcern.The most appropriate response to Bañuq’s question is thhe has: A.a shorter time horizon. less significant tconsirations. less verse investment objectives. A is correct. a private client, Bañuq is more likely to have a shorter time horizon ththof Uamini. Thus, Bañuq is likely to more constrainewith respeto risk taking anliquity. A typicuniversity enwment ha long time horizon, whictheoretically infinite. 为什么机构的tissues是less complex呢?

2023-02-03 12:23 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018091705000105问题如下ring their meeting, Açor anBañuq scuss charitable plees thUamini hrecently receiveanthe likelihoothNjwill meet her charitable plee. Bañuq then asks Açor the following question:“How might my investment objectives anconstraints ffer from those of a typicuniversity enwment, suUamini?The y after Açor’s meeting with Bañuq, Açor realizes thher actions in the meeting mhave raiseethicconcern.The most appropriate response to Bañuq’s question is thhe has: A.a shorter time horizon. less significant tconsirations. less verse investment objectives. A is correct. a private client, Bañuq is more likely to have a shorter time horizon ththof Uamini. Thus, Bañuq is likely to more constrainewith respeto risk taking anliquity. A typicuniversity enwment ha long time horizon, whictheoretically infinite.个人投资者要更分散投资吗?

2022-08-10 09:01 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018091705000105问题如下 ring their meeting, Açor anBañuq scuss charitable plees thUamini hrecently receiveanthe likelihoothNjwill meet her charitable plee. Bañuq then asks Açor the following question:“How might my investment objectives anconstraints ffer from those of a typicuniversity enwment, suUamini?The y after Açor’s meeting with Bañuq, Açor realizes thher actions in the meeting mhave raiseethicconcern.The most appropriate response to Bañuq’s question is thhe has: A.a shorter time horizon. less significant tconsirations. less verse investment objectives. A is correct. a private client, Bañuq is more likely to have a shorter time horizon ththof Uamini. Thus, Bañuq is likely to more constrainewith respeto risk taking anliquity. A typicuniversity enwment ha long time horizon, whictheoretically infinite.我没理解到是考察个人和机构,这个点是怎么判断出来的?

2022-08-07 11:09 1 · 回答