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kkyy · 2020年01月08日


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6. If Alex Renteria is correct that the current price of Tasty Foods stock is its fair value, what is expected capital gains yield on the stock?









A is correct.

If the stock is fairly priced in the market as per the Gordon growth model, the stock price is expected to increase at g, the expected growth rate in dividends. The implied growth rate in dividends, if price is the fair value, is 3.87 percent. Therefore, the expected capital gains yield is 3.87 percent.

能解释一下为什么capital gain yield 等于dividend 增长率吗?是只有在估值是fair value的时候才是吗,为什么呢?

1 个答案

maggie_品职助教 · 2020年01月09日

请看讲义39页,你投资一指股票所获得的总收益是分为两个部分的,第一、赚得期间红利收益,第二、期末卖股票获得的资本增值收益(capital gain yield)。因此根据GGM,当价格等于价值时,r=D1/P+g 我们可以得到g=capital gain yield. 这个部分李老师在基础课上专门强调了,建议先听课后做题,事半功倍。

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NO.PZ201512300100000806 问题如下 Jacob niel is the chief investment officer a US pension funsponsor, anSteven Ris analyst for the pension funwho follows consumer/noncyclicstocks. the beginning of 2009, niel asks Rto value the equity of Tasty Foo Company for its possible inclusion in the list of approveinvestments. Tasty Foo Company is involvein the proction of frozen foo thare solunr its own branname to retailers. Ris consiring if a vinscount mol woulappropriate for valuing Tasty Foo. He hcompilethe information in the following table for the company’s EPS anS ring the last five years. The quarterly vin paithe company have been aeto arrive the annuvin. Rhalso computethe vinpayout ratio for eayeS/EPS anthe growth rates in EPS anS. Rnotes ththe EPS of the company hbeen increasing average rate of 4.48 percent per year. The vinpayout ratio hremainefairly stable anvin have increaseaverage rate of 5.30 percent. In view of a history of vinpayments the company anthe unrstanble relationship vinpolibears to the company’s earnings, Rconclus ththe M is appropriate to value the equity of Tasty Foo. Further, he expects the morate growth rate of the company to persist ancis to use the Gorn growth mol. Ruses the CAPM to compute the return on equity. He uses the annuyielof 4 percent on the 10-yeTreasury bonthe risk-free return. He estimates the expecteUS equity risk premium, with the S P 500 Inx usea proxy for the market, to 6.5 percent per year. The estimatebeta of Tasty Foo against the S P 500 Inx is 1.10. Accorngly, Rae’s estimate for the requirereturn on equity for Tasty Foo is 0.04 + 1.10(0.065) = 0.1115 or 11.15 percent. Using the past growth rate in vin of 5.30 percent his estimate of the future growth rate in vin, Rcomputes the value of Tasty Foo stock. He shows his analysis to Alex Renterihis colleague the pension funwho specializes in the frozen foo instry. Renteria concurs with the valuation approauseRbut sagrees with the future growth rate he use Renteria believes ththe stock’s current priof $8.42 is the fair value of the stock. 6. If Alex Renteria is correththe current priof Tasty Foo stois its fair value, whis expectecapitgains yielon the stock? A.3.87%. B.4.25%. C.5.30%. A is correct.If the stois fairly pricein the market per the Gorn growth mol, the stopriis expecteto increase g, the expectegrowth rate in vin. The impliegrowth rate in vin, if priis the fair value, is 3.87 percent. Therefore, the expectecapitgains yielis 3.87 percent. r=/P+g,g为capitgain,所带入11.15%=0.59*(1+5.3%)/8.42+g,求得g=3.77%,为什么跟答案不一样?

2024-07-19 19:28 2 · 回答

NO.PZ201512300100000806 问题如下 6. If Alex Renteria is correththe current priof Tasty Foo stois its fair value, whis expectecapitgains yielon the stock? A.3.87%. B.4.25%. C.5.30%. A is correct.If the stois fairly pricein the market per the Gorn growth mol, the stopriis expecteto increase g, the expectegrowth rate in vin. The impliegrowth rate in vin, if priis the fair value, is 3.87 percent. Therefore, the expectecapitgains yielis 3.87 percent. 有一道题的解析里面是这么说的Totreturn = vinyiel+ Capitgains yieltotreturn不就是requirereturn么?

2024-06-17 19:58 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201512300100000806 问题如下 6. If Alex Renteria is correththe current priof Tasty Foo stois its fair value, whis expectecapitgains yielon the stock? A.3.87%. B.4.25%. C.5.30%. A is correct.If the stois fairly pricein the market per the Gorn growth mol, the stopriis expecteto increase g, the expectegrowth rate in vin. The impliegrowth rate in vin, if priis the fair value, is 3.87 percent. Therefore, the expectecapitgains yielis 3.87 percent. If Alex Renteria is correththe current priof Tasty Foo stois its fair value, 这句话的意思是,当股票的价格等于内在价值时。对吗?

2023-05-30 22:49 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201512300100000806 问题如下 6. If Alex Renteria is correththe current priof Tasty Foo stois its fair value, whis expectecapitgains yielon the stock? A.3.87%. B.4.25%. C.5.30%. A is correct.If the stois fairly pricein the market per the Gorn growth mol, the stopriis expecteto increase g, the expectegrowth rate in vin. The impliegrowth rate in vin, if priis the fair value, is 3.87 percent. Therefore, the expectecapitgains yielis 3.87 percent. 请看讲义P93页g in GGMis the rate of capitappreciation (sometimes callecapitgains yiel.

2022-08-27 16:49 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201512300100000806 4.25%. 5.30%. A is correct. If the stois fairly pricein the market per the Gorn growth mol, the stopriis expecteto increase g, the expectegrowth rate in vin. The impliegrowth rate in vin, if priis the fair value, is 3.87 percent. Therefore, the expectecapitgains yielis 3.87 percent.g=/P0+r,其中P0是market price还是我们预测的intrinsic value,谢谢

2022-01-12 17:40 1 · 回答