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SUN · 2020年01月07日

问一道题:NO.PZ2019100901000007 [ CFA III ]







1 个答案

发亮_品职助教 · 2020年01月08日






首先不论是哪个Allocation的方法,收益率都一定要满足Return target。对于这个Endowment名义收益率的目标是:2.5% + 4% = 6.5%

其中2.5%的目标是让资产Asset base跟着通胀增长、保持购买力,4%的收益目标是在此基础上满足4%的花费需求,这样不用耗费本金、收益就能Cover现金流需求。

这样的话,保证了Endowment资产不花费本金、且Maintain purchasing power,可以实现永续存在(In perpetuity)的目标。

3个Allocation方案算下来,Allocation 2和3的名义收益率满足目标。

然后在这两个里面选,我们也不用管具体投资另类是多少,就直接找另类投资相对更少的那个。因为是Limited experience和Small size,另类越少越好,这就是从相对比较出发的,并没有参考绝对的比例是多少。




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NO.PZ2019100901000007 问题如下 Azarov’s seconmeeting is with John Spintop, chief investment officer of the Wolf University Enwment Fun(the Fun. Spintop hireWestcome to assist in veloping a new investment polito present to the Funs boarof rectors. The Fun whihassets unr management of $200 million, hoverall objective of maintaining long-term purchasing power while proving neefinancisupport to Wolf University. ring the meeting, Spintop states ththe Funhannuspenng poliof paying out 4% of the Funs three-yerolling asset value to Wolf University, anthe Funs risk toleranshoulconsir the following three liability characteristics:The Funha small investment staff with limiteexperienin managing alternative assets ancurrently uses the Norwmol for its investment approach. Azarov suggests a change in investment approamaking allocation to externally managealternative assets—namely, hee fun anprivate equity. Ten-yenominexpectereturn assumptions for various asset classes, well three proposeallocations thinclu some allocation to alternative assets, are presentein Exhibit 1.Expecteinflation for the next 10 years is 2.5% annually.Whiproposeallocation in Exhibit 1 woulmost appropriate for the Fungiven its characteristics? A.Allocation 1 B.Allocation 2 C.Allocation 3 C is correct. Allocation 3 is the most appropriate allocation for the Fun The annuexpectereturns for the three allocations are follows:Allocation 1 exp. return = (0.45 × 4.1%) + (0.40 × 6.3%) + (0.10 × 7.5%) + (0.05 × 9.1%)= 5.57%.Allocation 2 exp. return = (0.10 × 4.1%) + (0.15 × 6.3%) + (0.15 × 7.5%) + (0.30 × 5.0%) + (0.30 × 9.1%)= 6.71%.Allocation 3 exp. return = (0.13 × 4.1%) + (0.32 × 6.3%) + (0.40 × 7.5%) + (0.05 × 5.0%) + (0.10 × 9.1%)= 6.71%.The rereturn for Allocation 1 is 3.07% (= 5.57% – 2.50%), anthe rereturn for Allocation 2 anAllocation 3 is 4.21% (= 6.71% – 2.50%).Therefore, Allocation 1 is not appropriate because the expectererate of return is less ththe annuspenng rate of 4%. With expectespenng 4%, the purchasing power of the Funwoulexpecteto cline over time with Allocation 1.Allocations 2 an3 both offer expectererate of return greater ththe annuspenng rate of 4%. Thus, the purchasing power of the Funwoulexpecteto grow over time with either allocation. However, Allocation 3 is more appropriate thAllocation 2 because of its lower allocation to alternative assets (hee fun anprivate equity). The tot60% allocation to alternative assets in Allocation 2 is well above the 15% allocation in Allocation 3 anis likely too high consiring the Funs small investment staff anits limiteexperienwith managing alternative investments. Also, given the Funs relatively small size of assets unr management ($200 million), access to top hee fun anprivate equity managers is likely to limite 请问在这个知识点中,inflation rate都默认用减法,而不是用除法来算rerate吗?

2024-06-29 09:55 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2019100901000007 问题如下 Azarov’s seconmeeting is with John Spintop, chief investment officer of the Wolf University Enwment Fun(the Fun. Spintop hireWestcome to assist in veloping a new investment polito present to the Funs boarof rectors. The Fun whihassets unr management of $200 million, hoverall objective of maintaining long-term purchasing power while proving neefinancisupport to Wolf University. ring the meeting, Spintop states ththe Funhannuspenng poliof paying out 4% of the Funs three-yerolling asset value to Wolf University, anthe Funs risk toleranshoulconsir the following three liability characteristics:The Funha small investment staff with limiteexperienin managing alternative assets ancurrently uses the Norwmol for its investment approach. Azarov suggests a change in investment approamaking allocation to externally managealternative assets—namely, hee fun anprivate equity. Ten-yenominexpectereturn assumptions for various asset classes, well three proposeallocations thinclu some allocation to alternative assets, are presentein Exhibit 1.Expecteinflation for the next 10 years is 2.5% annually.Whiproposeallocation in Exhibit 1 woulmost appropriate for the Fungiven its characteristics? A.Allocation 1 B.Allocation 2 C.Allocation 3 C is correct. Allocation 3 is the most appropriate allocation for the Fun The annuexpectereturns for the three allocations are follows:Allocation 1 exp. return = (0.45 × 4.1%) + (0.40 × 6.3%) + (0.10 × 7.5%) + (0.05 × 9.1%)= 5.57%.Allocation 2 exp. return = (0.10 × 4.1%) + (0.15 × 6.3%) + (0.15 × 7.5%) + (0.30 × 5.0%) + (0.30 × 9.1%)= 6.71%.Allocation 3 exp. return = (0.13 × 4.1%) + (0.32 × 6.3%) + (0.40 × 7.5%) + (0.05 × 5.0%) + (0.10 × 9.1%)= 6.71%.The rereturn for Allocation 1 is 3.07% (= 5.57% – 2.50%), anthe rereturn for Allocation 2 anAllocation 3 is 4.21% (= 6.71% – 2.50%).Therefore, Allocation 1 is not appropriate because the expectererate of return is less ththe annuspenng rate of 4%. With expectespenng 4%, the purchasing power of the Funwoulexpecteto cline over time with Allocation 1.Allocations 2 an3 both offer expectererate of return greater ththe annuspenng rate of 4%. Thus, the purchasing power of the Funwoulexpecteto grow over time with either allocation. However, Allocation 3 is more appropriate thAllocation 2 because of its lower allocation to alternative assets (hee fun anprivate equity). The tot60% allocation to alternative assets in Allocation 2 is well above the 15% allocation in Allocation 3 anis likely too high consiring the Funs small investment staff anits limiteexperienwith managing alternative investments. Also, given the Funs relatively small size of assets unr management ($200 million), access to top hee fun anprivate equity managers is likely to limite 题目中说的小型机构的投资的限制都是针对直接投资alternaives的吧。比如 小的投资机构请不到好的alternative manager,小的机构无法直接投资在alternative的某些策略或者产品。如果小机构用的是外包的alternative 投资呢? 比如用的是enwment mol。是否还要考虑到自身capitsize的问题

2024-06-11 12:22 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2019100901000007问题如下Azarov’s seconmeeting is with John Spintop, chief investment officer of the Wolf University Enwment Fun(the Fun. Spintop hireWestcome to assist in veloping a new investment polito present to the Funs boarof rectors. The Fun whihassets unr management of $200 million, hoverall objective of maintaining long-term purchasing power while proving neefinancisupport to Wolf University. ring the meeting, Spintop states ththe Funhannuspenng poliof paying out 4% of the Funs three-yerolling asset value to Wolf University, anthe Funs risk toleranshoulconsir the following three liability characteristics:The Funha small investment staff with limiteexperienin managing alternative assets ancurrently uses the Norwmol for its investment approach. Azarov suggests a change in investment approamaking allocation to externally managealternative assets—namely, hee fun anprivate equity. Ten-yenominexpectereturn assumptions for various asset classes, well three proposeallocations thinclu some allocation to alternative assets, are presentein Exhibit 1.Expecteinflation for the next 10 years is 2.5% annually.Whiproposeallocation in Exhibit 1 woulmost appropriate for the Fungiven its characteristics?A.Allocation 1B.Allocation 2C.Allocation 3C is correct. Allocation 3 is the most appropriate allocation for the Fun The annuexpectereturns for the three allocations are follows:Allocation 1 exp. return = (0.45 × 4.1%) + (0.40 × 6.3%) + (0.10 × 7.5%) + (0.05 × 9.1%)= 5.57%.Allocation 2 exp. return = (0.10 × 4.1%) + (0.15 × 6.3%) + (0.15 × 7.5%) + (0.30 × 5.0%) + (0.30 × 9.1%)= 6.71%.Allocation 3 exp. return = (0.13 × 4.1%) + (0.32 × 6.3%) + (0.40 × 7.5%) + (0.05 × 5.0%) + (0.10 × 9.1%)= 6.71%.The rereturn for Allocation 1 is 3.07% (= 5.57% – 2.50%), anthe rereturn for Allocation 2 anAllocation 3 is 4.21% (= 6.71% – 2.50%).Therefore, Allocation 1 is not appropriate because the expectererate of return is less ththe annuspenng rate of 4%. With expectespenng 4%, the purchasing power of the Funwoulexpecteto cline over time with Allocation 1.Allocations 2 an3 both offer expectererate of return greater ththe annuspenng rate of 4%. Thus, the purchasing power of the Funwoulexpecteto grow over time with either allocation. However, Allocation 3 is more appropriate thAllocation 2 because of its lower allocation to alternative assets (hee fun anprivate equity). The tot60% allocation to alternative assets in Allocation 2 is well above the 15% allocation in Allocation 3 anis likely too high consiring the Funs small investment staff anits limiteexperienwith managing alternative investments. Also, given the Funs relatively small size of assets unr management ($200 million), access to top hee fun anprivate equity managers is likely to limite对于allocation2和3来说,因为题目给了雇佣外包管理,所以2和3都可以实现,那为什么要选风险低的,题目里没有看到这个要求?

2024-06-04 16:56 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2019100901000007问题如下Azarov’s seconmeeting is with John Spintop, chief investment officer of the Wolf University Enwment Fun(the Fun. Spintop hireWestcome to assist in veloping a new investment polito present to the Funs boarof rectors. The Fun whihassets unr management of $200 million, hoverall objective of maintaining long-term purchasing power while proving neefinancisupport to Wolf University. ring the meeting, Spintop states ththe Funhannuspenng poliof paying out 4% of the Funs three-yerolling asset value to Wolf University, anthe Funs risk toleranshoulconsir the following three liability characteristics:The Funha small investment staff with limiteexperienin managing alternative assets ancurrently uses the Norwmol for its investment approach. Azarov suggests a change in investment approamaking allocation to externally managealternative assets—namely, hee fun anprivate equity. Ten-yenominexpectereturn assumptions for various asset classes, well three proposeallocations thinclu some allocation to alternative assets, are presentein Exhibit 1.Expecteinflation for the next 10 years is 2.5% annually.Whiproposeallocation in Exhibit 1 woulmost appropriate for the Fungiven its characteristics?A.Allocation 1B.Allocation 2C.Allocation 3C is correct. Allocation 3 is the most appropriate allocation for the Fun The annuexpectereturns for the three allocations are follows:Allocation 1 exp. return = (0.45 × 4.1%) + (0.40 × 6.3%) + (0.10 × 7.5%) + (0.05 × 9.1%)= 5.57%.Allocation 2 exp. return = (0.10 × 4.1%) + (0.15 × 6.3%) + (0.15 × 7.5%) + (0.30 × 5.0%) + (0.30 × 9.1%)= 6.71%.Allocation 3 exp. return = (0.13 × 4.1%) + (0.32 × 6.3%) + (0.40 × 7.5%) + (0.05 × 5.0%) + (0.10 × 9.1%)= 6.71%.The rereturn for Allocation 1 is 3.07% (= 5.57% – 2.50%), anthe rereturn for Allocation 2 anAllocation 3 is 4.21% (= 6.71% – 2.50%).Therefore, Allocation 1 is not appropriate because the expectererate of return is less ththe annuspenng rate of 4%. With expectespenng 4%, the purchasing power of the Funwoulexpecteto cline over time with Allocation 1.Allocations 2 an3 both offer expectererate of return greater ththe annuspenng rate of 4%. Thus, the purchasing power of the Funwoulexpecteto grow over time with either allocation. However, Allocation 3 is more appropriate thAllocation 2 because of its lower allocation to alternative assets (hee fun anprivate equity). The tot60% allocation to alternative assets in Allocation 2 is well above the 15% allocation in Allocation 3 anis likely too high consiring the Funs small investment staff anits limiteexperienwith managing alternative investments. Also, given the Funs relatively small size of assets unr management ($200 million), access to top hee fun anprivate equity managers is likely to limite为什么是挪威模型?不是enwment和fountion都是enwment mol 和Cana mol吗

2024-05-05 18:32 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2019100901000007 问题如下 Azarov’s seconmeeting is with John Spintop, chief investment officer of the Wolf University Enwment Fun(the Fun. Spintop hireWestcome to assist in veloping a new investment polito present to the Funs boarof rectors. The Fun whihassets unr management of $200 million, hoverall objective of maintaining long-term purchasing power while proving neefinancisupport to Wolf University. ring the meeting, Spintop states ththe Funhannuspenng poliof paying out 4% of the Funs three-yerolling asset value to Wolf University, anthe Funs risk toleranshoulconsir the following three liability characteristics:The Funha small investment staff with limiteexperienin managing alternative assets ancurrently uses the Norwmol for its investment approach. Azarov suggests a change in investment approamaking allocation to externally managealternative assets—namely, hee fun anprivate equity. Ten-yenominexpectereturn assumptions for various asset classes, well three proposeallocations thinclu some allocation to alternative assets, are presentein Exhibit 1.Expecteinflation for the next 10 years is 2.5% annually.Whiproposeallocation in Exhibit 1 woulmost appropriate for the Fungiven its characteristics? A.Allocation 1 B.Allocation 2 C.Allocation 3 C is correct. Allocation 3 is the most appropriate allocation for the Fun The annuexpectereturns for the three allocations are follows:Allocation 1 exp. return = (0.45 × 4.1%) + (0.40 × 6.3%) + (0.10 × 7.5%) + (0.05 × 9.1%)= 5.57%.Allocation 2 exp. return = (0.10 × 4.1%) + (0.15 × 6.3%) + (0.15 × 7.5%) + (0.30 × 5.0%) + (0.30 × 9.1%)= 6.71%.Allocation 3 exp. return = (0.13 × 4.1%) + (0.32 × 6.3%) + (0.40 × 7.5%) + (0.05 × 5.0%) + (0.10 × 9.1%)= 6.71%.The rereturn for Allocation 1 is 3.07% (= 5.57% – 2.50%), anthe rereturn for Allocation 2 anAllocation 3 is 4.21% (= 6.71% – 2.50%).Therefore, Allocation 1 is not appropriate because the expectererate of return is less ththe annuspenng rate of 4%. With expectespenng 4%, the purchasing power of the Funwoulexpecteto cline over time with Allocation 1.Allocations 2 an3 both offer expectererate of return greater ththe annuspenng rate of 4%. Thus, the purchasing power of the Funwoulexpecteto grow over time with either allocation. However, Allocation 3 is more appropriate thAllocation 2 because of its lower allocation to alternative assets (hee fun anprivate equity). The tot60% allocation to alternative assets in Allocation 2 is well above the 15% allocation in Allocation 3 anis likely too high consiring the Funs small investment staff anits limiteexperienwith managing alternative investments. Also, given the Funs relatively small size of assets unr management ($200 million), access to top hee fun anprivate equity managers is likely to limite 如题

2024-04-22 23:15 2 · 回答