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kevinzhu · 2020年01月03日



The current inflation rate of Country X is 1.5%, while its central bank believes the optimal inflation rate is 2%. In order to reach the target, central bank of Country X should:



sell securities in the open market.


increase the percentage of deposits that banks must retain as reserves.


reduce the repo rate.


C is correct.

In order to increase the inflation rate to the target level, central bank can buy securities in the open market, decrease reserve requirements and reduce the policy rate, such as repo rate.

考点:Tools of Monetary Policy.


When the central bank buys securities in the market, securities are replaced by cash in investor accounts, banks will have excess reserves, the money supply will increase, and interest rate will decrease, the inflation rate will increase, reserve requirements decrease and the policy rate decreases. 


the policy rate 和interest rate和 inflation rate的区别?

1 个答案

源_品职助教 · 2020年01月06日


the policy rate 是 interest rate 的一种表达表达形式,是官方所指定的利率形式

inflation rate 是通胀率,衡量的是一国整体物价水平上涨的情况。它与interest rate通常表现为此消彼长的关系。



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NO.PZ2016010801000085问题如下The current inflation rate of Country X is 1.5%, while its centrbank believes the optiminflation rate is 2%. In orr to reathe target, centrbank of Country X shoulA.sell securities in the open market.B.increase the percentage of posits thbanks must retain reserves.C.rethe repo rate.C is correct.In orr to increase the inflation rate to the target level, centrbank cbuy securities in the open market, crease reserve requirements anrethe polirate, surepo rate.考点Tools of Monetary Policy.解析为了将通货膨胀率提高到目标水平(1.5%到2%),央行可以使用在公开市场上购买证券,降低准备金率,降低回购利率等政策利率等方法,因此只有C入选。老师inflation 她也过低应该是怎么调整呀,为什么是和repo rate有关,谢谢。

2022-07-01 09:25 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2016010801000085 C减少repo rate,为啥是宽松货币政策?repo rate怎么理解?

2021-09-11 14:50 1 · 回答

increase the percentage of posits thbanks must retain reserves. rethe repo rate. C is correct. In orr to increase the inflation rate to the target level, centrbank cbuy securities in the open market, crease reserve requirements anrethe polirate, surepo rate. 考点Tools of Monetary Policy. 解析为了将通货膨胀率提高到目标水平(1.5%到2%),央行可以使用在公开市场上购买证券,降低准备金率,降低回购利率等政策利率等方法,因此只有C入选。什么是repo rate?

2020-06-20 21:00 1 · 回答


2020-05-31 18:28 1 · 回答

polirate是啥概念?除了包括repo rate还有?

2020-01-05 20:59 1 · 回答