开发者:上海品职教育科技有限公司 隐私政策详情


jianghaiyang · 2019年12月27日


* 问题详情,请 查看题干


Discuss the issues relating to Cree’s:

i. goal quantification.

ii. goal prioritization. McZhao continues the discussion with Cree in order to evaluate his degree of risk tolerance associated with each of the following individual goals:

Retirement: Cree considers retirement a long- term goal and is willing to endure a 10% drop in expected retirement spending. However, he is very concerned with having sufficient funds to cover medical expenses.

Investment property: Cree sees the investment property as a source of stable income, so it is very important to him to purchase the building. He realizes that maintenance and repair expenses will be necessary, and he also considers those very important.

Philanthropy: Cree’s wife strongly influences him to fund her philanthropic causes, and he wants to maintain some level of annual contribution. Cree believes that his wife would be willing to maintain her $10,000 per year contributions and not increase that amount.

Antique furniture: Cree is willing to reduce or eliminate his spending on antique furniture.



With respect to goal quantification, Cree has quantified his retirement spending needs, the cost to maintain his antique purchases, and his wife’s philanthropic support. McZhao should work with Cree to help estimate the costs for his children’s university expenses and what he expects to pay for the investment property.

With respect to goal prioritization, even though Cree believes that his highest priority is his next big expense ($15,000 for this year’s additions to his antique collection), the timing of that expense should not be the sole determinant of its priority. McZhao needs to discuss with Cree which of his goals are most important. The purchases of expensive antiques and the large philanthropic contributions may adversely affect Cree’s ability to fund his retirement lifestyle. Therefore, McZhao should help Cree consider reevaluating his priorities.


1 个答案

包包_品职助教 · 2019年12月29日


这种题目需要结合题干给的内容以及关于目标的量化的知识点来考虑,最为目标,我们要尽可能的量化,这样才能写出更合适的投资意见书。然后我们就看题干中的信息,他有哪些目标,哪些是量化的?哪些是没有量化的?比如第一个,university expenses for his three children,只说了10年后开始,但没说具体金额,那就是需要量化

而关于goal prioritization,我们再考虑goal的优先级的时候,需要综合这个目标的重要程度以及迫切程度(现金流发生的时间),不能只考虑单一的因素。知道了这个原则,我们就再题干中寻找相关内容,他说最高的优先级是今年古董的收藏,这明显就是只按照费用现金流发生的时间给优先级排序了而没有考虑到这个目标是否是最重要的,是否会影响到其它基本需求目标的实现

