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pz1712 · 2017年10月15日

问一道题:NO.PZ2016012101000104 [ CFA I ]

the  company considers div paid A financing activity这句话什么意思 有用吗
1 个答案

竹子 · 2017年10月16日

因为在国际准则下,DIV PAID可以是CFO也可以是CFI,这一句话的意思是说这个公司把DIV PAID分类为CFI,所以在计算CFO的时间不考虑。但DIV PAID和期初期末的RE可以帮助我们计算出当年的NI。

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NO.PZ2016012101000104 45. 75. B  is correct. All llamounts are in millions. Net income (NI) for 2010 is $35. This amount is the increase in retaineearnings, $25, plus the vin pai $10. preciation of $25 is aebato net income, anthe increases in accounts receivable, $5, anin inventory, $3, are subtractefrom net income because they are uses of cash. The crease in accounts payable is also a use of cash an therefore, a subtraction from net income. Thus, cash flow from operations is $25 + $10 + $25 – $3- $5–$7 = $45. 解析CFO的计算有直接法和间接法两种方法,根据题目给的AR、inventory和AP的条件可以确定应该是用间接法,间接法的CFO是从NI推出的,本题虽然没有给NI,但是给了RE和vin根据RE的BASE法则我们可以算出NI。期初RE+NI-vin期末RE,即120+NI-10=145,算出NI=35。再代入公式计算CFO=NI+p –Δinv–ΔA/R+ΔA/P=35+25-(48-45)-(43-38)+(29-36)=45。 如题,NI不一样。。。。。

2022-02-18 13:54 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016012101000104 以及The company consirs vin paia financing activity这句话在这道题是有什么作用吗?vin pai来就是融资活动呀。

2021-12-28 10:10 1 · 回答

45. 75. B  is correct. All llamounts are in millions. Net income (NI) for 2010 is $35. This amount is the increase in retaineearnings, $25, plus the vin pai $10. preciation of $25 is aebato net income, anthe increases in accounts receivable, $5, anin inventory, $3, are subtractefrom net income because they are uses of cash. The crease in accounts payable is also a use of cash an therefore, a subtraction from net income. Thus, cash flow from operations is $25 + $10 + $25 – $3- $5–$7 = $45. 解析CFO的计算有直接法和间接法两种方法,根据题目给的AR、inventory和AP的条件可以确定应该是用间接法,间接法的CFO是从NI推出的,本题虽然没有给NI,但是给了RE和vin根据RE的BASE法则我们可以算出NI。期初RE+NI-vin期末RE,即120+NI-10=145,算出NI=35。再代入公式计算CFO=NI+p –Δinv–ΔA/R+ΔA/P=35+25-(48-45)-(43-38)+(29-36)=45。请问为什么要加会preciation expense

2020-10-13 17:07 1 · 回答

 the company clareanpaicash vin of $10 million按照老师课件讲的,这个地方可以算作non-operating item 在直接法第二步计算,而不是在BASE法则中吗?

2020-07-29 13:40 1 · 回答


2018-08-24 13:46 2 · 回答