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reachqi · 2019年12月17日


* 问题详情,请 查看题干


When measuring the portfolio impact of the stress test suggested by McKee, which of the following is most likely to produce an accurate result?



Marginal VaR


Full revaluation of securities


The use of sensitivity risk measures


B is correct. McKee suggests running a stress test using a historical scenario specific to emerging markets that includes an extreme change in credit spreads. Stress tests, which apply extreme negative stress to a particular portfolio exposure, are closely related to scenario risk measures. A scenario risk measure estimates the portfolio return that would result from a hypothetical change in markets (hypothetical scenario) or a repeat of a historical event (historical scenario). When the historical simulation fully revalues securities under rate and price changes that occurred during the scenario period, the results should be highly accurate.

A is incorrect because marginal VaR measures the change in portfolio VaR given a very small change in a portfolio position (e.g., change in VaR for a $1 or 1% change in the position). Therefore, marginal VaR would not allow McKee to estimate how much the value of the option-embedded bonds would change under an extreme change in credit spreads.

C is incorrect because sensitivity risk measures use sensitivity exposure measures, such as first-order (delta, duration) and second-order (gamma, convexity) sensitivity, to assess the change in the value of a financial instrument. Although gamma and convexity can be used with delta and duration to estimate the impact of extreme market movements, they are not suited for scenario analysis related to option-embedded bonds.

为什么B选项正确??fully revaluation of securities 是指什么?为什么要fully revalue securities?能解释一下吗?这道题想考察什么?相关知识点在哪里,方便指出一下吗?

这道题可以通过排除法得出A和C选项不正确(都不适用于option-embedded bonds)

1 个答案

星星_品职助教 · 2020年03月09日



这道题说的是如果对于要购买的emerging market bonds做一个压力测试,问哪种方式会使得这个压力测试的结果最准确

B选项 fully revaluation指的是在压力测试中对于这些债券做一个全面的评估,所以结果最准确。

A选项的Marginal VaR,指的是增加1$的资产,增加的VaR值是多少。

C选项的sensitivity risk measures是在和B选项full replication作对比。这种方法往往只应用了一阶导和二阶导,例如duration&convexity,Delta&gamma等,不够全面。