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wxy · 2019年12月03日

pass-through rate

pass-through rate是什么东西

题目:When concluding their discussion, they make the following observations regarding comparison of valuation multiples for companies across two different countries:

  1. EV/EBITDA is less likely to be impacted by differences in international accounting standards than P/E or price to free cash flow to equity (P/FCFE).
  2. When the inflation rates in two countries are the same, the justified P/E multiple should be lower for companies with a higher inflation pass-through rate, all else being equal.
  3. Assuming all else is equal, a company in a country with high inflation will have lower justified P/E multiples than a company in a country with lower rates of inflation.问这三个说法哪个正确?

1 个答案

maggie_品职助教 · 2019年12月04日

这又是超纲问题,一些股票具有抗通胀是三级的内容。简单来说:投资股票有抗通胀的作用,但不是每只股票都能抗通胀,只有投资那些能把成本上涨转嫁给客户的企业的股票才能起到对冲通胀的作用。这个pass through rate就是转嫁率,转嫁率越高,说明抗通胀性能越好。


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