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德韵90 · 2019年11月24日



\(\begin{array}{l}Excess\text{ }stock\text{ }market\text{ }return_t\\=a_0+a_1Default\text{ }spread_{t-1}\text{ }+a_2Term\text{ }spread_{t-1}\text{ }+a_3Pres\text{ }party\text{ }dummy_{t-1}\text{ }+e\end{array}\)

Default spread is equal to the yield on Baa bonds minus the yield on Aaa bonds. Term spread is equal to the yield on a 10-year constant-maturity US Treasury index minus the yield on a 1-year constant-maturity US Treasury index. Pres party dummy is equal to 1 if the US President is a member of the Democratic Party and 0 if a member of the Republican Party.

The regression is estimated with 431 observations.

Exhibit 1.Multiple Regression Output

Exhibit 2. Critical Values for the Durbin–Watson Statistic (α= 0.05)

At a 0.05 level of significance, the test for serial correlation indicates that there is:



no serial correlation in the error term.


positive serial correlation in the error term.


negative serial correlation in the error term.


B is correct.

The Durbin–Watson test used to test for serial correlation in the error term, and its value reported in Exhibit 1 is 1.65. For no serial correlation, DW is approximately equal to 2. If   DW<dl\;DW, the error terms are positively serially correlated. Because the DW = 1.65 is less than dl=1.827d_l=1.827 for n = 431 (see Exhibit 2), Chiesa should reject the null hypothesis of no serial correlation and conclude that there is evidence of positive serial correlation among the error terms.

DW表纵轴是样本数量,题目说样本数量是421, DW表中只有420对应的DL 和DU. 所以查表的时候,纵轴是n 还是n-1?

1 个答案

星星_品职助教 · 2019年11月24日

