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必过1030_ · 2019年11月21日

问一道题:NO.PZ2018091705000066 [ CFA III ]


如果价格下降,为什么会得到strike price of calls啊?

1 个答案

包包_品职助教 · 2019年11月22日


题目说:If the stock price increases above the strike price at maturity, the calls will be exercised and Morrison will deliver his long shares. He would receive a total sum equal to the strike price of the calls and the premium from the initial sale of the calls. If MBI closes at or below the strike price at expiration, the calls will expire worthless and Morrison will retain the option premium and the long shares.

因为这个策略是short call option ,所以股价上升,long 方行权,Morrison 就以strike price 把股票交割给对方,所以他总共收到的是期权费+strike  sprice 如果股价下跌,long方不行权他白白拿到期权费 

所以如果价格下降,不会得到strike price of calls



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NO.PZ2018091705000066 Hill refers his frien RicharMorrison, the former CEO of Masury Brie anIron (MBI), to Keller to scuss his wealth goals. Keller realizes ththe Morrisons’ cision making is influencepsychologicconsirations ancis to use a goal-baseplanning approach. Keller constructs the table below to simplify the scussion their next schelemeeting. TableMorrison Family Wealth stribution Keller scusses a yielenhancement strategy anasks Morrison to establish a liquition value whihe woulwilling to sell 10% of his position in MBI. State anscuss the tool Keller is most likely recommenng to Morrison. Keller is most likely recommenng writing coverecalls against 10% of Morrison’s shares in MBI. Morrison woulsell call options with a strike prithis above the current priof Manin return receive premium income (yielenhancement) from the sale of the call options. The strategy effectively allows the investor to establish a liquition value (the strike price) for the shares he/she writes call options against. If the stopriincreases above the strike primaturity, the calls will exerciseanMorrison will liver his long shares. He woulreceive a totsum equto the strike priof the calls anthe premium from the initisale of the calls. If Mcloses or below the strike priexpiration, the calls will expire worthless anMorrison will retain the option premium anthe long shares. One of the most significant benefits of implementing a coverecall writing progris thit cpsychologically prepare the owner to spose of his/her shares. 请问老师yielenhancement strategy书中讲到的就coverecall一种方法?考试看到这个直接答coverecall?

2021-07-25 10:30 1 · 回答

Keller is most likely recommenng writing coverecalls against 10% of Morrison’s shares in MBI. Morrison woulsell call options with a strike prithis above the current priof Manin return receive premium income (yielenhancement) from the sale of the call options. The strategy effectively allows the investor to establish a liquition value (the strike price) for the shares he/she writes call options against. If the stopriincreases above the strike primaturity, the calls will exerciseanMorrison will liver his long shares. He woulreceive a totsum equto the strike priof the calls anthe premium from the initisale of the calls. If Mcloses or below the strike priexpiration, the calls will expire worthless anMorrison will retain the option premium anthe long shares. One of the most significant benefits of implementing a coverecall writing progris thit cpsychologically prepare the owner to spose of his/her shares. 请问哪里提示应该用cover call strategy呢?

2020-06-07 20:13 1 · 回答