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yuan.y · 2019年11月20日



SD&R Capital (SD&R), a global asset management company, specializes in fixed-income investments. Molly Compton, chief investment officer, is meeting with a prospective client, Leah Mowery of DePuy Financial Company (DFC).

Mowery informs Compton that DFC’s previous fixed income manager focused on the interest rate sensitivities of assets and liabilities when making asset allocation decisions. Compton explains that, in contrast, SD&R’s investment process first analyzes the size and timing of client liabilities, then builds an asset portfolio based on the interest rate sensitivity of those liabilities.

The investment process followed by DFC’s previous fixed-income manager is best described as:


asset-driven liabilities


asset-driven liabilities


liability-driven investing


asset–liability management


C is correct.

Asset–liability management strategies consider both assets and liabilities in the portfolio decision-making process. Mowery notes that DFC’s previous fixed-income manager attempted to control for interest rate risk by focusing on both the asset and the liability side of the company’s balance sheet. The previous manager thus followed an asset–liability management strategy

请教一下,题目里不是说了“first analyzes the size and timing of client liabilities, then builds an asset portfolio based on the interest rate sensitivity of those liabilities”,先从liability出发来构建组合,为啥不是liability-driven呢?

1 个答案

发亮_品职助教 · 2019年11月20日


 first analyzes the size and timing of client liabilities, then builds an asset portfolio based on the interest rate sensitivity of those liabilities.


但是这道题有点搞,他问的是DFC's previous fixed-income manager,所以对应的题干是:

Mowery informs Compton that DFC’s previous fixed income manager focused on the interest rate sensitivities of assets and liabilities when making asset allocation decisions. 

也就是做资产匹配策略时,兼顾资产与负债的Interest rate sensitivities,所以 DFC’s previous fixed income manager的策略是:Asset-liability management.

