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tammie · 2019年11月07日



 Charles Hollingsworth is an investment strategist at Drawbridge Asset Partners (Drawbridge), an international investment firm. He is meeting with equity analyst Andrew Gillibrand and fixed-income analyst Eliana Navarro to discuss new investment opportunities and the economic factors they should consider as they make their investment selections.

Hollingsworth begins the meeting with the following statement:

"Before we look at new investment opportunities, I want to review some prior transactions. A few months ago, Drawbridge entered into a carry trade in a set of currencies. This morning, we were unfortunately forced to close out the position at a sizable loss as a result of unexpected market volatility."

The primary factor that was most likely the cause of Drawbridge's outcome in its carry trade was:



flight to safety 




stop-loss orders 


The primary reason for crash risks is related to the fact that carry trades are leveraged: The low-yield currency is borrowed, with proceeds invested in the high-yield currency. The leverage magnifies the effect of losses and gains relative to the investors' equity base. In low-volatility markets, investors can become complacent and allow positions to grow large in a search for yield. This crowded positioning tends to unwind rapidly when a market shock occurs because many traders try to exit their positions almost simultaneously before the leverage effects wipe out their equity. Stop-loss orders are triggered, and given the market uncertainty, there is a flight to safety that further increases demand for the low-yield currency.



请问A 选项问什么不对呢?

题干中有说因为觉得有不可控风险所以停止carry trade交易。跟A里面flight to safety意思一致呀?

1 个答案

源_品职助教 · 2019年11月07日

因为套利交易低收益货币是借入的,所以其具有高杠杆的特性。这是导致崩盘最主要的原因,而A选项的说法只能说是辅助原因,并且题干说的是" close out the position at a sizable loss ",这可能是因为强行平仓而引起的,并不是说投资人主动规避风险转向其他安全资产。

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NO.PZ2018091706000060 leverage stop-loss orrs The primary reason for crash risks is relateo the fathcarry tras are leverage The low-yielcurrenisborrowe with procee investein the high-yielcurrency. The leveragemagnifies the effeof losses angains relative to the investors' equitybase. In low-volatility markets, investors cbecome complacent anallowpositions to grow large in a searfor yiel This crowpositioning tento unwinrapiy when a market shooccurs because many trars try to exit theirpositions almost simultaneously before the leverage effects wipe out theirequity. Stop-loss orrs are triggere angiven the market uncertainty, thereis a flight to safety thfurther increases manfor the low-yielcurrency. 解析崩盘风险的主要原因与套利交易杠杆化相关联:低收益货币是借入的,而收益投资于高收益货币。杠杆放大了相对于投资者权益基础的损益效应。在波动性较低的市场,投资者可能会变得过于自信,为了寻求收益而允许头寸大幅增加。当市场震荡发生时,这类头寸往往会迅速平仓,因为许多交易员试图在杠杆效应抹去他们的股本之前退出头寸。所以B是最根本的原因。 当止损指令被触发时,鉴于市场的不确定性,投资者纷纷转向安全资产,从而进一步增加了对低收益货币的需求。所以A、C只是表现,不入选。 课程里只讲到了crash risk是由high leverage 导致的,但是A和C在哪里讲的呢?

2021-08-19 21:10 1 · 回答


2020-06-19 12:04 1 · 回答

麻烦老师一下a和c,指的是什么 c,记忆中是cfa1中,交易的一个策略

2019-11-02 21:52 1 · 回答