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猫咚 · 2019年11月05日



For a distribution of 2,000 observations with finite variance, sample mean of 10.0%, and standard deviation of 4.0%, what is the minimum number of observations that will lie within 8.0% around the mean according to Chebyshev's Inequality?









B is correct. Observations within 8% of the sample mean will cover an interval of 8/4 or two standard deviations. Chebyshev’s Inequality says the proportion of the observations P within k standard deviations of the arithmetic mean is at least 1 - 1/k2 for all k > 1. So, solving for k = 2: P = 1 – ¼ = 75%. Given 2,000 observations, this implies at least 1,500 will lie within 8.0% of the mean.
A is incorrect because 720 shows P = 720/2,000 = 36.0% of the observations. Using P to solve for
k implies 36.0% = 1 – 1/k
2, where k
= 1.25. This result would cover an interval only 4% × 1.25 or 5% around the mean (i.e. less than two standard deviations).
C is incorrect because 1,680 shows P = 1,680/2,000 = 84.0% of the observations. Using P to solve for
k implies 84.0% = 1 – 1/k
2, where k
= 2.50. This result would cover an interval of 4% × 2.5, or 10% around the mean (i.e., more than two standard deviations).

你好,请问 lie within 8.0% around the mean这句话是什么意思,怎么理解,还是不懂,谢谢

1 个答案

星星_品职助教 · 2019年11月05日


Lie within 8.0% around the mean意思是(分布里的一个观测值)落在在均值左右各8%的范围内,要求的就是落在这个范围内的概率是多少。其实如果把这句话转化为“一个值落在均值左右各2倍标准差的范围内 的概率最小是多少”,理解起来会更方便一些。

转化的过程如下:这道题考察的是切比雪夫不等式的应用,而切比雪夫不等式其实就是在说一个数落在均值周围K倍标准差范围内的概率最小是多少。题干给出了标准差为4%。所以8%就可以等价于: 均值周围2倍标准差范围内的值最少有多少。也就是k=2(相当于8%是2倍的标准差)。根据切比雪夫不等式的公式,在均值周围k倍标准差内的概率要≥1-1/k^2。代入k=2可以得到均值周围2倍标准差的概率要≥75%。由于一共有2000个值,所以在均值2倍标准差范围内的值的数量要大于等于2000*75%,也就是1500。题目要求的是最少有多少个值在距均值8%距离内,所以这个最少的值就是1500.


  • 1

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NO.PZ2017092702000157 1500 1680 B is correct. Observations within 8% of the sample mewill cover intervof 8/4 or two stanrviations. Chebyshev’s Inequality says the proportion of the observations P within k stanrviations of the arithmetic meis least 1 - 1/k2 for all k > 1. So, solving for k = 2: P = 1 – ¼ = 75%. Given 2,000 observations, this implies least 1,500 will lie within 8.0% of the mean. A is incorrebecause 720 shows P = 720/2,000 = 36.0% of the observations. Using P to solve for k implies 36.0% = 1 – 1/k2, where k = 1.25. This result woulcover intervonly 4% × 1.25 or 5% arounthe me(i.e. less thtwo stanrviations). C is incorrebecause 1,680 shows P = 1,680/2,000 = 84.0% of the observations. Using P to solve for k implies 84.0% = 1 – 1/k2, where k = 2.50. This result woulcover intervof 4% × 2.5, or 10% arounthe me(i.e., more thtwo stanrviations). 为什么标准差是4%,问在8%的k就成了2?

2021-06-01 13:37 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2017092702000157 老师,您好,这道题提到了的均值和方差是样本值,为什么不是K倍的 S/(根号下N),即标准误?切比雪夫不等式是只针对总体的均值和方差吗?

2021-02-18 21:23 1 · 回答


2020-12-29 03:45 1 · 回答

看了老师之前的回答,和本题下面的解答,也了解这个公式但有点困惑为什么Observations within 8% of the sample mewill cover intervof 8/4 or two stanrviations. 为什么8%可以cover2个stanrviations呢?他们的关系是怎么分析出来的呢?

2020-03-03 22:59 1 · 回答


2020-01-01 11:20 1 · 回答