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tongmopwt · 2019年11月01日



The following limit order standing in the stock’s order book:

Suppose Carl submitted a day order with a limit price of $ 20.87 and sold 1,000 shares, and no more investor submits a buy order after he submitted the order. What is the average price for Carl’s transaction?









Carl’s average trade price is:


Carl's order will be filled with the most aggressively priced buy order firstly, which is Fiona’s order for 300 shares at $21.89. Carl still remaining 700 shares did not sell. Philip’s order for 400 shares at $21.02 is the second aggressively priced buy order, after the order was filled Carl still have 300 shares to sell. Debbie’s order for 200 shares at $20.88 is the third aggressively priced buy order, he still has 100 shares to sell after the third order takes place. Liam’s order for 1,000 shares at $20.70 is the next buy order, but the price of this order is lower than Carl's required limit price, therefore, no more transactions can be carried out.

这个人出价低于买方报价,不是make a new market吗? 买方不是应该以他的价格成交吗?

2 个答案

maggie_品职助教 · 2019年11月02日

1、报价在高于买价,低于卖价时才叫make a new market



Serena · 2020年03月11日


maggie_品职助教 · 2020年03月12日


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NO.PZ2018062002000035 问题如下 The following limit orr stanng in the stock’s orr book:Suppose Carl submittea y orr with a limit priof $ 20.87 ansol1,000 shares, anno more investor submits a buy orr after he submittethe orr. Whis the average prifor Carl’s transaction? A.$21.70. B.$21.28. C.$21.05. Carl’s average tra priis:21.28=300×21.89+400×21.02+200×20.88300+400+20021.28=\frac{300\times21.89+400\times21.02+200\times20.88}{300+400+200}21.28=300+400+200300×21.89+400×21.02+200×20.88​Carl's orr will fillewith the most aggressively pricebuy orr firstly, whiis Fiona’s orr for 300 shares $21.89. Carl still remaining 700 shares not sell. Philip’s orr for 400 shares $21.02 is the seconaggressively pricebuy orr, after the orr wfilleCarl still have 300 shares to sell. bbie’s orr for 200 shares $20.88 is the thiraggressively pricebuy orr, he still h100 shares to sell after the thirorr takes place. Liam’s orr for 1,000 shares $20.70 is the next buy orr, but the priof this orr is lower thCarl's requirelimit price, therefore, no more transactions ccarrieout.考点Instructions Of Transaction Processes这道题表格中给了市场上买方和卖方愿意出的价格和需求量,问如果C同学想要以不低于20.87的价格卖出1000股,那么它的平均成交价格是多少。这道题是从卖股票的角度考虑,那么你就要看看当前市场上有多少人想买,只有买价大于20.87的部分才能成交,从表格可以看出只有bbie\Philips\Fiona出的买价高于20.87,因此C同学只能卖出900股。那么总共卖出的交易价格就等于\(21.28=\frac{300\times21.89+400\times21.02+200\times20.88}{300+400+200}\) 如果买方仍然是300share@21.89, 400share@21.02,现在investor下了一个500share@20.87的all or nothing buy orr。那么订单会在21.89执行300+在21.02执行200;还是会因为在21.89的买单不够500share,而导致无效无法成交?

2024-05-21 20:40 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018062002000035 问题如下 The following limit orr stanng in the stock’s orr book:Suppose Carl submittea y orr with a limit priof $ 20.87 ansol1,000 shares, anno more investor submits a buy orr after he submittethe orr. Whis the average prifor Carl’s transaction? A.$21.70. B.$21.28. C.$21.05. Carl’s average tra priis:21.28=300×21.89+400×21.02+200×20.88300+400+20021.28=\frac{300\times21.89+400\times21.02+200\times20.88}{300+400+200}21.28=300+400+200300×21.89+400×21.02+200×20.88​Carl's orr will fillewith the most aggressively pricebuy orr firstly, whiis Fiona’s orr for 300 shares $21.89. Carl still remaining 700 shares not sell. Philip’s orr for 400 shares $21.02 is the seconaggressively pricebuy orr, after the orr wfilleCarl still have 300 shares to sell. bbie’s orr for 200 shares $20.88 is the thiraggressively pricebuy orr, he still h100 shares to sell after the thirorr takes place. Liam’s orr for 1,000 shares $20.70 is the next buy orr, but the priof this orr is lower thCarl's requirelimit price, therefore, no more transactions ccarrieout.考点Instructions Of Transaction Processes这道题表格中给了市场上买方和卖方愿意出的价格和需求量,问如果C同学想要以不低于20.87的价格卖出1000股,那么它的平均成交价格是多少。这道题是从卖股票的角度考虑,那么你就要看看当前市场上有多少人想买,只有买价大于20.87的部分才能成交,从表格可以看出只有bbie\Philips\Fiona出的买价高于20.87,因此C同学只能卖出900股。那么总共卖出的交易价格就等于\(21.28=\frac{300\times21.89+400\times21.02+200\times20.88}{300+400+200}\) 这里面说c同学是想卖,那别人就是想买。为什么不是用ask价啊?不是aler想卖吗?

2023-03-02 09:11 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018062002000035 问题如下 The following limit orr stanng in the stock’s orr book:Suppose Carl submittea y orr with a limit priof $ 20.87 ansol1,000 shares, anno more investor submits a buy orr after he submittethe orr. Whis the average prifor Carl’s transaction? A.$21.70. B.$21.28. C.$21.05. Carl’s average tra priis:21.28=300×21.89+400×21.02+200×20.88300+400+20021.28=\frac{300\times21.89+400\times21.02+200\times20.88}{300+400+200}21.28=300+400+200300×21.89+400×21.02+200×20.88​Carl's orr will fillewith the most aggressively pricebuy orr firstly, whiis Fiona’s orr for 300 shares $21.89. Carl still remaining 700 shares not sell. Philip’s orr for 400 shares $21.02 is the seconaggressively pricebuy orr, after the orr wfilleCarl still have 300 shares to sell. bbie’s orr for 200 shares $20.88 is the thiraggressively pricebuy orr, he still h100 shares to sell after the thirorr takes place. Liam’s orr for 1,000 shares $20.70 is the next buy orr, but the priof this orr is lower thCarl's requirelimit price, therefore, no more transactions ccarrieout.考点Instructions Of Transaction Processes这道题表格中给了市场上买方和卖方愿意出的价格和需求量,问如果C同学想要以不低于20.87的价格卖出1000股,那么它的平均成交价格是多少。这道题是从卖股票的角度考虑,那么你就要看看当前市场上有多少人想买,只有买价大于20.87的部分才能成交,从表格可以看出只有bbie\Philips\Fiona出的买价高于20.87,因此C同学只能卖出900股。那么总共卖出的交易价格就等于\(21.28=\frac{300\times21.89+400\times21.02+200\times20.88}{300+400+200}\) 都还没讲的知识点发出来让我做什么?

2022-11-20 16:10 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018062002000035 老师上课举例说如果买方定了150块钱买,现在市场价10块,那成交价还是10块,不是150,这是为了防止市场波动,我还清楚记得这个例子和例子的数据。请问怎么理解老师讲的例子和这道题?不是矛盾吗?谢谢

2022-03-12 22:33 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018062002000035 No.PZ2018062002000035 (选择题)这道题是哪章节课程讲到的知识?

2021-08-07 16:11 2 · 回答