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Churning · 2019年10月03日

问一道题:NO.PZ2017092702000006 [ CFA I ]







问下为什么算出3%以后  要用(1+3%)的N次 算 这个N为什么算出来就是年了呢

2 个答案

徐认认xt1102 · 2019年10月20日

大概明白这个意思。其实可以不采用Ear的算法 但是这个月转成天数是不好计算的 因为每个月的天数不一样。所以这里把3% compound daily 转成年化Ear就是 3.0453%之后求年数 再乘以12即可得到月数 因为一年就是12个月

星星_品职助教 · 2019年10月03日


首先要理解,从3%算出3.0453%这一步是将stated annual rate转化为EAR。而EAR是一个年化收益率的概念(Effective ANNUAL rate)。所以对应的N次方的“N”,也就对应着多少“年”。

其次是从250,000涨到1,000,000,是一个已知PV和FV,求N的过程。计算关系为PV*(1+r)^N=FV,即250,000*(1+3.0453%)^N=1,000,000。 如果用计算器TVM一排五个键计算则为PV=-250000,FV=1000000,I/Y=3.0453,PMT=0,CPT N。


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NO.PZ2017092702000006 问题如下 For a lump sum investment of ¥250,000 investea stateannurate of 3% compounily, the number of months neeto grow the sum to ¥1,000,000 is closest to: A.555. B.563. C.576. A is correct. The effective annurate (EAR) is calculatefollows: E= (1 + Perioc interest rate)m – 1   E= (1 + 0.03/365)365 – 1   EAR= (1.03045) – 1 = 0.030453 ≈ 3.0453%. Solving for N on a financicalculator results in (where FV is future value anPV is present value): (1 + 0,030453)N = FVN/PV = (¥1,000,000/¥250,000)So,N = 46.21 years, whimultiplie12 to convert to months results in 554.5, or ≈ 555 months. 这题我EAR已经算出来是3.045,带入计算器知四求一不知道为什么算出来是46.21.

2023-06-02 16:31 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2017092702000006问题如下 For a lump sum investment of ¥250,000 investea stateannurate of 3% compounily, the number of months neeto grow the sum to ¥1,000,000 is closest to: A.555. B.563.C.576. A is correct. The effective annurate (EAR) is calculatefollows: E= (1 + Perioc interest rate)m – 1   E= (1 + 0.03/365)365 – 1   EAR= (1.03045) – 1 = 0.030453 ≈ 3.0453%. Solving for N on a financicalculator results in (where FV is future value anPV is present value): (1 + 0,030453)N = FVN/PV = (¥1,000,000/¥250,000)So,N = 46.21 years, whimultiplie12 to convert to months results in 554.5, or ≈ 555 months. 不能用上面这个去试,是因为不能默认每个月30天么?谢谢

2023-05-28 15:18 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2017092702000006问题如下 For a lump sum investment of ¥250,000 investea stateannurate of 3% compounily, the number of months neeto grow the sum to ¥1,000,000 is closest to: A.555. B.563.C.576. A is correct. The effective annurate (EAR) is calculatefollows: E= (1 + Perioc interest rate)m – 1   E= (1 + 0.03/365)365 – 1   EAR= (1.03045) – 1 = 0.030453 ≈ 3.0453%. Solving for N on a financicalculator results in (where FV is future value anPV is present value): (1 + 0,030453)N = FVN/PV = (¥1,000,000/¥250,000)So,N = 46.21 years, whimultiplie12 to convert to months results in 554.5, or ≈ 555 months. 为什么用 FVN/PV

2023-03-14 11:28 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2017092702000006问题如下 For a lump sum investment of ¥250,000 investea stateannurate of 3% compounily, the number of months neeto grow the sum to ¥1,000,000 is closest to: A.555. B.563.C.576. A is correct. The effective annurate (EAR) is calculatefollows: E= (1 + Perioc interest rate)m – 1   E= (1 + 0.03/365)365 – 1   EAR= (1.03045) – 1 = 0.030453 ≈ 3.0453%. Solving for N on a financicalculator results in (where FV is future value anPV is present value): (1 + 0,030453)N = FVN/PV = (¥1,000,000/¥250,000)So,N = 46.21 years, whimultiplie12 to convert to months results in 554.5, or ≈ 555 months. 我直接就是计算器计算的 I/Y是3÷365 pmt=0 然后分别代入pv和fv最后求出是16867再除以三十天 是562.24

2022-11-22 02:27 3 · 回答

NO.PZ2017092702000006 问题如下 For a lump sum investment of ¥250,000 investea stateannurate of 3% compounily, the number of months neeto grow the sum to ¥1,000,000 is closest to: A.555. B.563. C.576. A is correct. The effective annurate (EAR) is calculatefollows: E= (1 + Perioc interest rate)m – 1   E= (1 + 0.03/365)365 – 1   EAR= (1.03045) – 1 = 0.030453 ≈ 3.0453%. Solving for N on a financicalculator results in (where FV is future value anPV is present value): (1 + 0,030453)N = FVN/PV = (¥1,000,000/¥250,000)So,N = 46.21 years, whimultiplie12 to convert to months results in 554.5, or ≈ 555 months. (1 + 0,030453)N = FVN/PV = (¥1,000,000/¥250,000)So,N = 46.21 years, whimultiplie12 to convert to months results in 554.5, or ≈ 555 months.请问这一步是什么意思,是怎么求得的46.21呢。我算到日利率为0.030453就不知道怎么往下算了

2022-11-11 06:02 3 · 回答