包包_品职助教 · 2019年10月10日
同学你好,这道题是考查put–call–forward parity,他与put-call parity稍许不同,根据put-call parity,有CK=PS,CK就是fiduciary call ,protective put 是指long asset ,long put。
而对于put–call–forward parity,构建protective put 是指long put,long risk-free bond,long forward,这里我贴下原版书中对于 put–call–forward parity中protective put 合成的解释(Recall our put–call parity discussion and assume that Investor A creates his protective put in a slightly different manner. Instead of buying the asset, he buys a forward contract and a risk- free bond in which the face value is the forward price. )
那么combing a protective put with forward,相当于是long put,long risk-free bond,long forward,再put–call–forward parity,有CK=PF,这里的PF就是指long put,long risk free bond,long forward,所以 long put+long underlying+long forward=CK,也就是等于fiduciary call