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滴滴姐姐~ · 2019年10月01日

问一道题:NO.PZ2019052801000044 [ FRM I ]









1 个答案

品职答疑小助手雍 · 2019年10月02日


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NO.PZ2019052801000044 问题如下 The party with the short position hcito liver anis trying to choose between the three bon in the table below. Assume the most recent settlement priis 92-16, or 92.5. Whibonis the cheapest-to-liver bon A.Bon1. B.Bon2. C.Bon3. Bon4. A is correct. 考点Interest Rate rivative-Interest rate Futures解析Bon1: 99.32-(92.5×1.0597)=$1.2978Bon2: 140.65-(92.5×1.4972)=$2.1590Bon3: 117.73-(92.5×1.2584)=$1.3280Bon4: 129.54-(92.5×1.3762)=$2.2415Bon1最小,所以cheapest-to-liver bonBon1。 QFP是哪个英文缩写,是quotefuture price吗,意思是期货报价?

2024-08-22 17:51 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2019052801000044问题如下The party with the short position hcito liver anis trying to choose between the three bon in the table below. Assume the most recent settlement priis 92-16, or 92.5. Whibonis the cheapest-to-liver bonA.Bon1.B.Bon2.C.Bon3.Bon4.A is correct. 考点Interest Rate rivative-Interest rate Futures解析Bon1: 99.32-(92.5×1.0597)=$1.2978Bon2: 140.65-(92.5×1.4972)=$2.1590Bon3: 117.73-(92.5×1.2584)=$1.3280Bon4: 129.54-(92.5×1.3762)=$2.2415Bon1最小,所以cheapest-to-liver bonBon1。老师好,有两个问题1、按照课程的公式CT最便宜的债券即等于 short方买债券的成本-收到的钱课里给的公式是Bon-QFP*CF按照这个公式,Bon应该是交割价格92.5%,而期货报价QFP*CF是期货到期short收到的钱啊,bon的CT该是92.5%-QFP1*CF1,以此类推才对啊。我看也有别的同学问了和我相同的问题,但老师的没有让我明白,看了反而更糊涂了。2、在推倒CT,有AIT购买成本是BT+AIT(是T时刻lshort在市场买债券时支付卖方的AI吗?)T交割日收到的钱是QFP*CF+AIT 这里为什么还要有一个AIT呢?short在市场买到债券再卖给long,应该是交割日当天操作完?哪里来的AIT要给short呢?

2024-06-12 20:38 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2019052801000044 问题如下 The party with the short position hcito liver anis trying to choose between the three bon in the table below. Assume the most recent settlement priis 92-16, or 92.5. Whibonis the cheapest-to-liver bon A.Bon1. B.Bon2. C.Bon3. Bon4. A is correct. 考点Interest Rate rivative-Interest rate Futures解析Bon1: 99.32-(92.5×1.0597)=$1.2978Bon2: 140.65-(92.5×1.4972)=$2.1590Bon3: 117.73-(92.5×1.2584)=$1.3280Bon4: 129.54-(92.5×1.3762)=$2.2415Bon1最小,所以cheapest-to-liver bonBon1。 首先CT的 原理就是站在Short 头寸方到期交割最便宜的的Bon那么挑一个成本最低的就是CT以根据老师上课画图 计算公式就是 CT= Minimize cost = 市场买回价格(即本题的交割价格) - 照搬印抄表格里的QFPx (这就是Long 方付给Short方的收益)=BT- QFP x ,所以本题这数据乱带一通是不是有问题?

2024-04-13 22:50 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2019052801000044 问题如下 The party with the short position hcito liver anis trying to choose between the three bon in the table below. Assume the most recent settlement priis 92-16, or 92.5. Whibonis the cheapest-to-liver bon A.Bon1. B.Bon2. C.Bon3. Bon4. A is correct. 考点Interest Rate rivative-Interest rate Futures解析Bon1: 99.32-(92.5×1.0597)=$1.2978Bon2: 140.65-(92.5×1.4972)=$2.1590Bon3: 117.73-(92.5×1.2584)=$1.3280Bon4: 129.54-(92.5×1.3762)=$2.2415Bon1最小,所以cheapest-to-liver bonBon1。 题目的recent settlement pri不是现在short方买债券的价格B0吗?

2024-03-20 22:43 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2019052801000044问题如下 The party with the short position hcito liver anis trying to choose between the three bon in the table below. Assume the most recent settlement priis 92-16, or 92.5. Whibonis the cheapest-to-liver bonA.Bon1.B.Bon2.C.Bon3.Bon4.A is correct. 考点Interest Rate rivative-Interest rate Futures解析Bon1: 99.32-(92.5×1.0597)=$1.2978Bon2: 140.65-(92.5×1.4972)=$2.1590Bon3: 117.73-(92.5×1.2584)=$1.3280Bon4: 129.54-(92.5×1.3762)=$2.2415Bon1最小,所以cheapest-to-liver bonBon1。这个题按照英语理解92.5是近期交割价,我怎么按照基础课程讲解bt-qpt×cp为最小值来理解,bt就是近期购买报价92.5,而方框里的值要乘以后面的值。

2023-03-03 07:44 1 · 回答