老师,我看了之前的有问必答,对这个概念dark side of retail credit risk有4点主要动因还是不太明白,请帮我归纳一下in Chinese,谢谢~
NO.PZ2016082405000082 The rk si of retail cret risk is perpetuateall of the following factors except: capitset asi to protea bank in the event of fault. process flaws resulting in high risk applicants receiving cret. new procts whi not have sufficient historicloss t a sociacceptanof bankruptanborrowers -walking away- from their obligations. A Capitmust set asi to protebanks in the event of fault, but this is a response to the rk si of retail cret risk rather tha perpetuating factor. A process flwhigrants cret to high risk invials, a new prowhiesn't have historicloss tanthe soci-acceptance- of failing to meet payments are all consireperpetuating factors of retail cret risk. 1.perpetuating factors是什么意思? 2.social-acceptance是什么意思?
The rk si of retail cret risk is perpetuateall of the following factors except: capitset asi to protea bank in the event of fault. process flaws resulting in high risk applicants receiving cret. new procts whi not have sufficient historicloss t a sociacceptanof bankruptanborrowers -walking away- from their obligations. A Capitmust set asi to protebanks in the event of fault, but this is a response to the rk si of retail cret risk rather tha perpetuating factor. A process flwhigrants cret to high risk invials, a new prowhiesn't have historicloss tanthe soci-acceptance- of failing to meet payments are all consireperpetuating factors of retail cret risk. 想问一下这句话是什么意思...