NO.PZ2016010802000160 问题如下 A prolongeperioof officiinterest rate of zero without increase in economic growth most likely suggests: A.quantitative easing must limiteto successful. B.there mlimits to the effectiveness of monetary policy. C.targeting reserve levels is more important thtargeting interest rates. is correct.A centrbank woulcrease officiinterest rate to stimulate the economy. The setting in whiofficiinterest rate is lowereto zero (the lowest value thcoultargete without stimulating economic growth suggests ththere are limits to monetary policy.考点Limitation of Monetary Poli.当利率水平降低到0时,还无法刺激经济发展(货币政策失效),那么经济就进入了流动性陷阱的状态,所以B正确。经济处于流动性陷阱时,QE政策是最有效的解决手段,所以A不正确。targeting reserve 并不会会影响利率,它并不比 targeting inflation重要, 所以A不正确 。 1. QE是央行直接购买资产,比如央行直接购买垃圾债,企业债,而公开市场操作也是央行买入或者卖出国债/其他债券,所以是不是QE可以理解为是公开市场操作中正向回购的一种?2.流动性陷阱是指当利率水平降低到0时,还无法刺激经济发展(货币政策失效),那滞涨和流动性陷阱之间的差异和共同点有啥,老师能给列一下、一下么?谢谢
NO.PZ2016010802000160问题如下A prolongeperioof officiinterest rate of zero without increase in economic growth most likely suggests:A.quantitative easing must limiteto successful.B.there mlimits to the effectiveness of monetary policy.C.targeting reserve levels is more important thtargeting interest correct.A centrbank woulcrease officiinterest rate to stimulate the economy. The setting in whiofficiinterest rate is lowereto zero (the lowest value thcoultargete without stimulating economic growth suggests ththere are limits to monetary policy.考点Limitation of Monetary Poli.当利率水平降低到0时,还无法刺激经济发展(货币政策失效),那么经济就进入了流动性陷阱的状态,所以B正确。经济处于流动性陷阱时,QE政策是最有效的解决手段,所以A不正确。targeting reserve 并不会会影响利率,它并不比 targeting inflation重要, 所以A不正确 。请老师一下QE好吗?我以为降低利率,和公开市场操作都是属于QE
targeting reserve 指的是什么?会有什么影响?
a为什么不对 流动性陷阱不是应该实行QE吗 谢谢!