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一蒙就对 · 2019年08月17日

问一道题:NO.PZ2015120604000015 [ CFA I ]







老师,pv不是说首付是全款的25%么,那不就是2500000*0.25=625000么?这个pv是什么意思呢?是说还有多少没有还是么?并不是说首付付的对吧?课程里老师一嘴带过pv了 能帮我详细讲讲什么是pv么?为什么我理解反了

1 个答案

Olive_品职助教 · 2019年08月17日

同学你好,PV是从银行借的款,题目让算的是monthly mortgage,未来的月供现值之和应该等于现在从银行拿到的借款。所以PV是用房子价格乘以75%得到的。加油!

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NO.PZ2015120604000015问题如下 investor is looking a house worth $ 2.5 million. If he want to buy the house, he must p25% of the full prinow anthe left money is finance10%,compounmonthly over the next 25 years, Calculate the monthly mortgage payment in this case. A.$17,850 B.$22,607 C.$17,038 C is correct.N = 25 × 12 = 300;I/Y = 10 / 12;PV = -2,500,000(1 - 0.25) = -1,875,000 (75% of the full prileft);FV = 0;CPT PMT = $17038 N=300,利率0.83不变,PV是625000(首付),FV为2500000,然后求PMT,这个思路就是当下我先付625000然后每个月付多少钱能满足25年后用付了2500000,求PMT

2023-04-08 15:06 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2015120604000015问题如下 investor is looking a house worth $ 2.5 million. If he want to buy the house, he must p25% of the full prinow anthe left money is finance10%,compounmonthly over the next 25 years, Calculate the monthly mortgage payment in this case. A.$17,850 B.$22,607 C.$17,038 C is correct.N = 25 × 12 = 300;I/Y = 10 / 12;PV = -2,500,000(1 - 0.25) = -1,875,000 (75% of the full prileft);FV = 0;CPT PMT = $17038 这个 finance10%默认就是年利率吗?

2023-01-14 16:49 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2015120604000015 问题如下 investor is looking a house worth $ 2.5 million. If he want to buy the house, he must p25% of the full prinow anthe left money is finance10%,compounmonthly over the next 25 years, Calculate the monthly mortgage payment in this case. A.$17,850 B.$22,607 C.$17,038 C is correct.N = 25 × 12 = 300;I/Y = 10 / 12;PV = -2,500,000(1 - 0.25) = -1,875,000 (75% of the full prileft);FV = 0;CPT PMT = $17038 I/Y = 10 / 12;請問哪裡表示10%需要除12,如何判斷10%為年利率?

2022-09-24 00:44 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2015120604000015 问题如下 investor is looking a house worth $ 2.5 million. If he want to buy the house, he must p25% of the full prinow anthe left money is finance10%,compounmonthly over the next 25 years, Calculate the monthly mortgage payment in this case. A.$17,850 B.$22,607 C.$17,038 C is correct.N = 25 × 12 = 300;I/Y = 10 / 12;PV = -2,500,000(1 - 0.25) = -1,875,000 (75% of the full prileft);FV = 0;CPT PMT = $17038 这个题为什么不需要将利率转化为EAR呢

2022-06-05 13:42 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2015120604000015 问题如下 investor is looking a house worth $ 2.5 million. If he want to buy the house, he must p25% of the full prinow anthe left money is finance10%,compounmonthly over the next 25 years, Calculate the monthly mortgage payment in this case. A.$17,850 B.$22,607 C.$17,038 C is correct.N = 25 × 12 = 300;I/Y = 10 / 12;PV = -2,500,000(1 - 0.25) = -1,875,000 (75% of the full prileft);FV = 0;CPT PMT = $17038 FV是1875000不就代表是未来付清贷款的金额,然后PV等于0求PMT么?

2022-05-14 11:17 1 · 回答