NO.PZ2016012102000122 问题如下 In ye2008, Joe Corp. bought a tru$25,000. the enof ye2009, the fair value of the truw$22,000. If the truck's fair value is $26,000 in 2010, how muis recognizein Joe's income statement using the revaluation methothe enof ye2010? A.0. B.$3,000. C.$4,000. B is correct.Revaluation methois usein this question.In 2009, the loss=$25,000-22,000=$3,000 wrecognizein net income.In 2010, the recovery of $3,000 is recognizein income statement, anthe gain=$26,000-25,000=$1,000 is recognizesurplus in shareholrs' equity.考点Revaluation metho本题采用重估法(Revaluation metho。Revaluation Mol,是用fair value 入账,但是低于历史成本的时候gain/loss是再NI里面, 超过历史成本的gain、loss 记在OCI里面。2009年,亏损 = $25,000-22,000=$3,000 计入净利润。2010年,收回的$3,000计入利润表,收益 = $26,000-25,000=$1,000,(即超过历史成本的部分gain) 计入股东权益中的OCI。 在revaluation mol 下,先上升再下降或者先下降再上升,是不是都是按照原路径抵扣,剩下的部分再按照gain——O;loss——I/S 处理,比如1000——1200——850中,因为1000-1200是记的OCI,所以1200-850也应该先记200的OCI,后面多余的150再记I/s LOSS;本题,因为先记了3000的I/S loss ,所以回冲的3000也应该匹配先抵扣I/S 的gain?
NO.PZ2016012102000122 问题如下 In ye2008, Joe Corp. bought a tru$25,000. the enof ye2009, the fair value of the truw$22,000. If the truck's fair value is $26,000 in 2010, how muis recognizein Joe's income statement using the revaluation methothe enof ye2010? A.0. B.$3,000. C.$4,000. B is correct.Revaluation methois usein this question.In 2009, the loss=$25,000-22,000=$3,000 wrecognizein net income.In 2010, the recovery of $3,000 is recognizein income statement, anthe gain=$26,000-25,000=$1,000 is recognizesurplus in shareholrs' equity.考点Revaluation metho本题采用重估法(Revaluation metho。Revaluation Mol,是用fair value 入账,但是低于历史成本的时候gain/loss是再NI里面, 超过历史成本的gain、loss 记在OCI里面。2009年,亏损 = $25,000-22,000=$3,000 计入净利润。2010年,收回的$3,000计入利润表,收益 = $26,000-25,000=$1,000,(即超过历史成本的部分gain) 计入股东权益中的OCI。 我觉得我理解的没有问题,从25000下降到22000,那么损益表里记一项loss;-3000对吧,然后2010年回转到了26000,那么先抵扣原先的3000 还剩下1000的gain体现在oci里,那为啥题目问的最终2010年体现在损益表中的价值是多少难道不应该是1000吗?原先的3000抵扣掉了最终不就只剩下1000的gain在oci里吗
NO.PZ2016012102000122 问题如下 In ye2008, Joe Corp. bought a tru$25,000. the enof ye2009, the fair value of the truw$22,000. If the truck's fair value is $26,000 in 2010, how muis recognizein Joe's income statement using the revaluation methothe enof ye2010? A.0. B.$3,000. C.$4,000. B is correct.Revaluation methois usein this question.In 2009, the loss=$25,000-22,000=$3,000 wrecognizein net income.In 2010, the recovery of $3,000 is recognizein income statement, anthe gain=$26,000-25,000=$1,000 is recognizesurplus in shareholrs' equity.考点Revaluation metho本题采用重估法(Revaluation metho。Revaluation Mol,是用fair value 入账,但是低于历史成本的时候gain/loss是再NI里面, 超过历史成本的gain、loss 记在OCI里面。2009年,亏损 = $25,000-22,000=$3,000 计入净利润。2010年,收回的$3,000计入利润表,收益 = $26,000-25,000=$1,000,(即超过历史成本的部分gain) 计入股东权益中的OCI。 2016年Loss=22000-25000=-3000; 2010gain=26000-25000=1000。 gain要先抵减loss里的,那gain只有1000,那I/S中impairment loss不应该为2000嘛?
NO.PZ2016012102000122 $3,000. $4,000. B is correct. Revaluation methois usein this question. In 2009, the loss=$25,000-22,000=$3,000 wrecognizein net income. In 2010, the recovery of $3,000 is recognizein income statement, anthe gain=$26,000-25,000=$1,000 is recognizesurplus in shareholrs' equity. 考点Revaluation metho本题采用重估法(Revaluation metho。 Revaluation Mol,是用fair value 入账,但是低于历史成本的时候gain/loss是再NI里面, 超过历史成本的gain、loss 记在OCI里面。 2009年,亏损 = $25,000-22,000=$3,000 计入净利润。 2010年,收回的$3,000计入利润表,收益 = $26,000-25,000=$1,000,(即超过历史成本的部分gain) 计入股东权益中的OCI。 用revaluation,长期资产可以回转到超过初始账面价值,但是短期资产最多只能回转到初始账面价值?可以这样理解吗?
NO.PZ2016012102000122 $3,000. $4,000. B is correct. Revaluation methois usein this question. In 2009, the loss=$25,000-22,000=$3,000 wrecognizein net income. In 2010, the recovery of $3,000 is recognizein income statement, anthe gain=$26,000-25,000=$1,000 is recognizesurplus in shareholrs' equity. Recover principles 在这一题目当中如何理解,老师再帮忙讲一遍