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Caren · 2019年08月05日

问一道题:NO.PZ2017102901000040 [ CFA I ]

实务中,LIFO liquidation是允许的还是不被允许的?属于实务操作的灰色地带吗?







1 个答案

Olive_品职助教 · 2019年08月05日

同学你好,LIFO liquidition是只要公司管理层延迟采购,就可以达到虚增利润的目的,采购时机的选择,是会计政策没法规定和监管的。

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NO.PZ2017102901000040 问题如下 If inventory unit costs are increasing from perioto-perio a LIFO liquition is most likely to result in increase in: A.gross profit. B.LIFO reserve. C.inventory carrying amounts. A is correct.When the number of units solexcee the number of units purchase a company using LIFO will experiena LIFO liquition. If inventory unit costs have been rising from perioto-perioana LIFO liquition occurs, it will proincrease in gross profit a result of the lower inventory carrying amounts of the liquiteunits (lower cost per unit of the liquiteunits). 老师这一章好绕,nrv,carrying cost, historiccost到底有什么区别啊

2022-08-22 03:45 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2017102901000040 课件里写着 increase in LIFO reserve --> liquition, 但反着为什么不可以呢?

2022-02-03 17:10 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2017102901000040 LIFO reserve. inventory carrying amounts. A is correct. When the number of units solexcee the number of units purchase a company using LIFO will experiena LIFO liquition. If inventory unit costs have been rising from perioto-perioana LIFO liquition occurs, it will proincrease in gross profit a result of the lower inventory carrying amounts of the liquiteunits (lower cost per unit of the liquiteunits).谢谢~~~~~~~~~

2021-12-31 13:01 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2017102901000040 LIFO reserve. inventory carrying amounts. A is correct. When the number of units solexcee the number of units purchase a company using LIFO will experiena LIFO liquition. If inventory unit costs have been rising from perioto-perioana LIFO liquition occurs, it will proincrease in gross profit a result of the lower inventory carrying amounts of the liquiteunits (lower cost per unit of the liquiteunits).为什么c不对呢 COGs下降 Inventory book value 上升

2021-02-13 16:23 1 · 回答


2020-06-01 08:43 1 · 回答