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jaydengu · 2019年06月10日

Ethic-2019Mock B pm

1,2019Mock B卷 PMQ4 ,想问下是否一两只股票不符合IPS没关系,只要大体上符合就ok?这一点在哪里提提到过?谢谢!

2,另外这个case的第六题,提干中说:Several minutes prior to the start of the meeting Robinson introduces Carlyle to one of his existing clients. Carlyle reviews with them a recent conversation she had with the Paladin CFO regarding new growth opportunities which she plans to include in her next research report. Carlyle meets with Robinson’s potential clients and discusses the stock research process.  加粗的部分我读出已经根据重大非公开信息(CFO的谈话)与客户交谈了,为什么还没违反那?谢谢!

1 个答案

包包_品职助教 · 2019年06月11日


1,2019Mock B卷 PMQ4 ,想问下是否一两只股票不符合IPS没关系,只要大体上符合就ok?这一点在哪里提提到过?谢谢!

不是说一两只股票不符合IPS没关系,而是说我们看它符不符合IPS是要站在一个portfolio的角度去看,他虽然买了growth stock 但是整个组合的风格还是小盘价值style;那就是还是符合IPS的

2,另外这个case的第六题,提干中说:Several minutes prior to the start of the meeting Robinson introduces Carlyle to one of his existing clients. Carlyle reviews with them a recent conversation she had with the Paladin CFO regarding new growth opportunities which she plans to include in her next research report. Carlyle meets with Robinson’s potential clients and discusses the stock research process.  加粗的部分我读出已经根据重大非公开信息(CFO的谈话)与客户交谈了,为什么还没违反那?谢谢!

这里只说了一个new growth opportunities,也没说具体是什么机会,这个新机会的影响如何,这个信息不属于能对股价产生重大影响的信息,如果说这个新机会将会使得公司的净利润增加多少倍什么的才算内幕信息。我们如果听到上市公司由一些新的增长机会这种话我们能预测上市公司股价会大涨吗?一般不会,哪家公司还没有一些新的增长机会呢。



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