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WINWIN8 · 2019年05月25日









老师,这题我有点不明白题目中说了这份基金是invests solely in long-term us treasury(只投了长期的美国国债), 那也就是说第一没有违约风险, 第二回报也应该是固定的呀。 为什么答案里说回报不固定呢? 因为我理解的是,在买长期国债时,每一期的coupon是固定的嘛。 请问我哪儿没理解对吗?

1 个答案

包包_品职助教 · 2019年05月27日

同学你好,答案的意思是说10%的收益率的回报是不确定的。我们只能说根据历史表现,我们预期会获得多少的回报率,不能说will earn。

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NO.PZ2016032801000016问题如下Grey recommen the purchase of a mutufunthinvests solely in long-term US Treasury bon. He makes the following statements to his clients:I. \"The payment of the bon is guaranteethe US government; therefore, the fault risk of the bon is virtually zero.\"II. \"If you invest in the mutufun you will earn a 10% rate of return eayefor the next severyears baseon historicperformanof the market.\" Grey’s statements violate the CFA Institute Co anStanr?A.Neither statement violatethe Co anStanr.B.Only statement I violatethe Co anStanr.C.Only statement II violatethe Co anStanr.C is correct.This question involves StanrI(–Misrepresentation. Statement I is a factustatement thscloses to clients anprospects accurate information about the terms of the investment instrument. Statement II, whiguarantees a specific rate of return for a mutufun is opinion statea faan therefore, violates StanrI(C). If statement II were rephraseto inclu a qualifying statement, su \"in my opinion, investors mearn . . . ,\" it woulnot in violation of the Stanr.为什么第一项没有violate?

2024-06-14 15:10 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016032801000016 问题如下 Grey recommen the purchase of a mutufunthinvests solely in long-term US Treasury bon. He makes the following statements to his clients:I. \"The payment of the bon is guaranteethe US government; therefore, the fault risk of the bon is virtually zero.\"II. \"If you invest in the mutufun you will earn a 10% rate of return eayefor the next severyears baseon historicperformanof the market.\" Grey’s statements violate the CFA Institute Co anStanr? A.Neither statement violatethe Co anStanr. B.Only statement I violatethe Co anStanr. C.Only statement II violatethe Co anStanr. C is correct.This question involves StanrI(–Misrepresentation. Statement I is a factustatement thscloses to clients anprospects accurate information about the terms of the investment instrument. Statement II, whiguarantees a specific rate of return for a mutufun is opinion statea faan therefore, violates StanrI(C). If statement II were rephraseto inclu a qualifying statement, su \"in my opinion, investors mearn . . . ,\" it woulnot in violation of the Stanr. 在题干已经叙述,mutufun投资在美国国债,为什么不可以保证每年10%的收益率。美国国债的收益率不应该是问很稳定的,甚至可以是precate

2022-05-07 00:25 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016032801000016 强化课讲义提到【如果本身return是可以保证的,也可以guarantee】。 题目中的表述二里面有个baseon historicperformance,这样足以说明return是可以保证的吗? “本身return是可以保证的”,这句话通常会有哪些表述? 谢谢老师解答。

2022-02-22 15:40 1 · 回答

老师 如果will earn 的表述不对 那换成什么就可以算是对的

2020-10-30 16:34 1 · 回答

老师 这题没有说10%的收益不是约定好的,咱怎么判断他说的是真是假,只要是题目没给确切的回报率 她说了就都认为是不严谨的对吧;

2019-12-03 18:05 1 · 回答