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natalie2003 · 2019年05月24日

问一道题:NO.PZ2017111901000003 [ CFA I ]







1 个答案

企鹅_品职助教 · 2019年05月25日

principal agent conflict 是principle和agent之间的利益不一致导致的矛盾。principle是委托人(股东),agent是代理人(CEO). CEO的工作应该是使股东的利益最大化,但是当CEO和股东的利益有冲突时,可能会选择使自己的利益最大化。A选项是principal agent conflict 非常典型的一个例子。

C选项主要说的是公司和政府之间的利益冲突。公司可以选择不同的accouting rules, 粉饰财务报表主要影响在tax方面, 尽量能少交就少交,能晚交就晚交。这时管理层和股东之间的利益是一致的。

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NO.PZ2017111901000003问题如下Whiof the following represents a principal–agent conflibetween shareholrs anmanagement?A.Risk toleranB.Multiple share classes C.Accounting anreporting practicesA is correct.Shareholr anmanager interests cverge with respeto risk tolerance. In some cases, shareholrs with versifieinvestment portfolios chave a fairly high risk toleranbecause specific company risk cversifieaway. Managers are typically more risk averse in their corporate cision making to better protetheir employment statusb multi shares class是什么意思

2023-10-29 20:49 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2017111901000003问题如下Whiof the following represents a principal–agent conflibetween shareholrs anmanagement?A.Risk toleranB.Multiple share classes C.Accounting anreporting practicesA is correct.Shareholr anmanager interests cverge with respeto risk tolerance. In some cases, shareholrs with versifieinvestment portfolios chave a fairly high risk toleranbecause specific company risk cversifieaway. Managers are typically more risk averse in their corporate cision making to better protetheir employment status如题,management可以采用更为激进或者保守的手段来粉饰自己的业绩

2023-08-12 23:26 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2017111901000003 问题如下 Whiof the following represents a principal–agent conflibetween shareholrs anmanagement? A.Risk toleran B.Multiple share classes C.Accounting anreporting practices A is correct.Shareholr anmanager interests cverge with respeto risk tolerance. In some cases, shareholrs with versifieinvestment portfolios chave a fairly high risk toleranbecause specific company risk cversifieaway. Managers are typically more risk averse in their corporate cision making to better protetheir employment status 为啥不选c啊,对外的信息不对称不是吗?a的具体意思是啥

2023-06-08 05:29 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2017111901000003 Multiple share classes Accounting anreporting practices A is correct. Shareholr anmanager interests cverge with respeto risk tolerance. In some cases, shareholrs with versifieinvestment portfolios chave a fairly high risk toleranbecause specific company risk cversifieaway. Managers are typically more risk averse in their corporate cision making to better protetheir employment status老师,您好。会计实践应用中,如果management在选择会计折旧年限,或收入确认上过于激进或保守,为了让他在任职期报表好看,这不是他与shareholr之间的conflict吗?

2022-06-22 14:36 1 · 回答